The Very Fat Bullfrog

The Banana Fish
3 min readMar 22, 2018

Up stream, where the creek ran wide through the open fields, lived a very fat bullfrog. This bullfrog was so very fat because he didn’t eat flies like the other frogs. He was so very fat from eating field mice. Every time a field mouse would come down from the hot, dry fields to cool off with a drink from the creek, he would sneak up under the water. When a field mouse would touch its lips to the surface to drink, the bullfrog would surge out of the water like a crocodile and snatch the field mouse from the bank, as if it were a zebra.

Everyday many thirsty field mice came down to the creek to drink and so the bullfrog had a lot to eat. The bullfrog grew bigger and bigger.

Eventually the bullfrog had grown so big that his hunger couldn’t be filled by little field mice, so he decided to find something bigger. He kicked off into the creek’s current and floated down stream past the green fields and into town.

As the bullfrog floated along, he looked at the houses of the town and listened. He could hear many creatures moving about here. Many creatures that sounded much bigger than a field mouse.

“This will be a perfect place to find my dinner”, said the bullfrog, as he hid himself amongst the reeds to wait.

Before too long, the bullfrog heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. He watched as a black and white…

