What is a Dynamic QR code?

QR codes are not all the same. Dynamic QR codes are an advanced tool able to provide professional features, unlimited editability and real-time analytics.

Banana QR
3 min readAug 3, 2022

The technology behind QR codes has evolved a lot in the last few years, driving the fast-paced adoption we are experiencing nowadays.

More and more people are discovering Dynamic QR codes, but what are they and how do they differ from “normal” (static) QR codes?

In this article we will cover:

  1. What is a Dynamic QR code (vs. static QR code)
  2. Benefits of Dynamic QR codes
  3. Are Dynamic QR codes free?

What is a dynamic QR code?

To understand how a dynamic QR Code works, we first need to understand how a static QR code works.

A static QR code is the direct graphical representation of the content.
For URLs, for example, it is “forged” with the destination URL.

How a static QR Code works

A dynamic QR code is built different, because it’s the visual representation of an Alias URL, that redirects to a final URL set by the user.

How a Dynamic QR code works

Thus, the final URL can be changed anytime, unlimited times, without affecting the QR code shape.

2. Benefits of Dynamic QR codes

Due to the nature of Dynamic QR code, there are two huge advantages compared to static QR codes:

  1. Change the URL without changing the QR code.
    With dynamic QR codes everytime you need to change the destination URL you won’t have to replace your existing QR codes. Thus, you can now embed them permanently, everywhere.
    This takes QR codes physical integration to the next level, on every support, enhancing your business image dramatically.
  2. Full Analytics
    Since the Alias URL is a link that stays inside the QR code generator website, you have complete analytics available in your personal dashboard.
    You can track the number of scans, number of unique visitors, languages, countries, etc, knowing more and more who your customers are and what they want.
Banana QR Analytics page in the User Dashboard

3. Are dynamic QR codes free?

No, they aren’t. In order to provide advanced features and statistics, all the Alias URLs generated by all users require servers that needs to be maintained over time.

The accessibility to these data gives to the user several others functionalities such as tracking pixels, full audience targeting or password protection, expiration date and more.

Dynamic QR code edit window

QR codes are not all the same. Their functionalities vary dramatically, despite looking identical to the inexperienced eye.

Most people use static QR code basically because they are free to generate.
But more and more people are switching to dynamic ones, not only because of the advanced features but also because they understood they will save money in the long run.

If you want to start using QR codes professionally, dynamic QR Codes are definitely the tool you need.

Banana QR

