Banani Das Chowdhury
5 min readSep 10, 2023




Living Through Hope is Life, then does people giving up on life takes the route to suicide? Preventing suicide is of utmost need. How to uproot the suicidal psyche? Here comes the importance of understanding about one's own mental health, suicidal ideation and the need for mental health literacy. Suicide is preventable. Let's make a way to accomplish this mission. Read through the write up to dig more into it🎗💚

Hello there, it’s mine first medium post and I acknowledge this is to the love for life and dedicate it to all you lovely spirits to read through and cheer up to embrace life heartfully!This post is about suicide prevention and spreading awareness regarding it.



September 10th whenever knocks it gives a reminder to do the needful for suicide prevention! Statistics shows alarming rate while the core of suicide needs to be discussed at the core! While reasons might vary but the solution should reach out for help!

Suicidal ideation is not always just a random thought sometimes, it might be a result of any mental health concern/disorder and be silent yet repetitive!

It’s not always about being sad to feel suicidal, rather it might be the effect of depressive disorder as well which includes suicidal ideation and the likewise many of such mental health issues which could deliberately increase the chance of suicidal ideation which might ultimately lead to suicide.

One of the acquaintance had gone through a bad patch with all the strength and survived through it as an warrior, life was coming to a calmer state, everything was settling up but vulnerability wasn’t. Someone known to that person had just trigged an unhealed wound and after a few days following that instance, that person had taken his/her life. (I keep the gender anonymous to withheld any stereotype)

While everyone blames the victim, very few would take on to understand the human mind and the psychological nerves of a person going through such suicidal ideation.


It’s a fact that mind can be constructive as well as destructive to you but how can mind be controlled to matters regarding anyone or anything likewise or otherwise?

Now in life, challenges comes up yet all people don’t take it up in the same way and it’s natural as well for all humans are unique and so they are different. But the question is how can someone go out of something to put an end to life!

That’s the moment when the triggers attack and if you are struggling with any of mental health discomforts, understand the red flags for it’s not just always about talking/reading/watching motivational stuffs, it’s also about understanding your own mind, emotions and the turmoils you go through or anyone you know around yours goes through.

I went through mental health discomforts and had gone through suicidal ideation but I survived through. I had the back of mine confidant and spirituality helped me through but then it’s my story and every story differs. To reach out is necessary. In my case I reached out to my confidant but in many cases, professional help is required.

Reach out for help!

I took up the certificate courses: Training and Internship in Clinical and Counselling Psychology to understand more the human mind and it widened up my thought process regarding mental health.

Mental health concerns can be sounding trivial atfirst and you can think it’s about day to day stress, well this can lead to anxiety and then there are the levels, red flags if it’s get ignored it could led to mild/moderate/severe mental disorders.

Stress, anxiety can led to anxiety/panic disorders. And likewise any mental breakdown, emotional trauma or any of health/life crisis can lead to depressive disorders to any other mental health disorders.

If it’s mild/moderate level and you understand the alarming concern consult with an expert if you feel the need of, just do that.


And to prioritize mental health and the talks revolving mental health and the concerns, disorders matters, from thinking of why people do suicides to think about the sensitive topics of suicidal ideation, mental health concerns and suicide, needs to be voiced of.

And also to teach the value of life and building a positive discussion regarding mental health conditioning amongst all matters.


Teaching the kids from the nascent stages about taking care of the self matters. There could be personalized approaches to take care of your own Mental Health, I am suggesting herewith my own:

  • Self-love matters  To love yourself opens the door of self-acceptance
  • Mindfulness — Being present and aware makes you value the presence of now in your life rather than that of past queries or future worries.
  • Journaling — This can help you in channeling your emotions and thought process better.
  • Empathy — This can help you in understanding how to respond to others with compassion and help build self-empathy as well.
  • Spirituality — Meditation helps, liting up a lamp/candle can rejuvenate, gratitude practice aids in too, taking life as a part of spiritual journey through lifetimes also helps acknowledge everything is temporal and so the ups and downs in life.
  • Embracing Nature — Diving into mother nature many a times has rejuvenated most tiring souls, it works wonders to human consciousness as well.

While you can curate on your own and identity your arena of solace to aid in your mental health upliftment and do take a good care of it.


The core of the discussion is to prevent suicide, raise suicide prevention awareness, motivating words help but if a person suffering from a prolonged to sudden mental health concern/disorder s/he might get inspired but the lethal strains of mental health conditions not always gets guided by words that could have momentary effects but it needs sometimes thorough expert investigation !

You can consult with Counselling Psychologists for any mild mental health concerns, they can recommend you to further instructions, if you need to go for a clinical psychologist or any psychiatric help is needed or else counselling alone can be apt for your case!


To sum it up, these words are knitted to craft a path of hope in midst of that menace of suicide rooting in the world as a social evil.

To fight suicidal ideation, seek help, to help someone get through suicidal thoughts, hold their hands and guide them to the needful, including to persuade them in taking the expert consultations. And to understand mental health more, make yourself more aware on mental health education, help break the stigmas and stereotypes attached to it cultivating empathy, influencing all for self-growth and advocating on mental health.

Let’s hope and work towards building a suicide free humane society that supports and doesn’t judge.

LIFE is living through YOU!

Hope, Light and Love💚🎗



Banani Das Chowdhury

Author, Content Writer,Spiritualist,Humanist. I write to introspect and share the conversation with you ongoing within and hope to bring value to you through it