HIS Composer

Evangelos Marcus
3 min readJul 27, 2021

Health Information System

More Detail and Demo : Github


  • ✔️ Patient Admission System (PAS)
  • ✔️ Eletronic Medical Record (EMR)
  • ✔️ Human Resource Management (Admin)
  • ⚡ AI Analysis for Fundus and Dry Eye (Beta)


This product is an IT platform dedicated for Hospital and Clinics management, consiting of 3 principal modules:

✔️ 1. PAS — Patient Admission System

  • Managing patient profiles
  • Booking appointment
  • Admit patient into EMR system
  • Accepting payments, export invoices and payment receipts
  • High performance and thorough Reporting system
Patient Admission System

✔️ 2. EMR — Electronic Medical Record

  • Medical Forms for doctor to perform examination
  • Data collection and Episode Manegemnt for each patients visits
  • Scalable Archetype design to extend to different medical fields
  • Medicine and Medication management system
  • Patient Visits and Discharge Summary management

✔️ 3. Admin — Internal Organzation Management

  • Management of hospital’s Human resources
  • Management of Branding and satlite Clinics
  • Complete customization of available Medical Services
  • Doctor Roster and Scheduling System

⚡ 4. A2DS — AI Assisted Diagnosis System (beta)

  • Dry Eye detection algorithm
  • Fundus Lesion detection algorithm
  • Analysis and Flow management

How To Use

1. Run using docker compose 🌈

A complete, Open version of the platform is ready to use with the following commands:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/nichealpham/his-composer.git
# Go into the repository
$ cd his-composer
# Run the app
$ docker-compose up -d

Then navigate to the following URL:

  1. http://localhost:3001: Admin
  2. http://localhost:3002: PAS
  3. http://localhost:3003: EMR

Default Root account:

  • Username: root
  • Password: Admin@123#

2. Modify the Default SQL Password ⚡️

You can update the default MSSQL Password by changing the following sections:

  1. In docker-compose.yml file, update line - SA_PASSWORD=[Your new password...]
  2. In api.env file, update line HIS_APP_MSSQL_DB_PASSWORD=[Your new password...]

Then rebuild and run the system:

docker-compose up --build -d

3. Hosting the frontend via a reverse proxy ⭐

We highly recomdend you should be familiar with how to setup a reverse proxy for the application, for example with nginx.

For fontend website to successfully call Backend APIs, modify the following URLs inside web.env file:


Then rebuild and run the system:

docker-compose up --build -d


This software is made by these technologies:

Quick Demo Links: • EMRPASADMIN

( Account: test | Password: 123456 )


💪 We are looking for business collaboration to extend the impact of this product and to validate its functionalities for international standards. Please contact us for any opportunities 🔥

