BANCA bi-weekly report 26.10.2018

2 min readOct 26, 2018


General Update:

  1. We have launched new marketing campaign to boost the exposure of BANCA utilities on Twitter. This campaign includes a weekly update on top performing portfolios in the community and more Tweets on CoinAI functions, BANCA token utilities and general updates of AI industry.

2. Recently BANCA has announced additional ban rules in Telegram group. What we have found is that more people are using the Telegram groups as a channel to spread rumors and untrue updates about BANCA team and the project. This has already taken its toll on the price of BANCA token. We are taking it really seriously. We would like to emphasize: Please use our official announcements as the only reference and our only official Telegram group is All other BANCA groups are non-official and should be shut down. The group creators and admins in non-official groups are NOT BANCA team members or being managed by BANCA team. We will not be responsible for what is said in non-official groups.

Product Update and Development Progress:

  1. In progress: Continued development and improvement of CoinUltra exchange crawling functions. Added more exchanges. Below is the screenshot of the codes for one of the exchanges.

2. In progress: Intelligent crawling of media news. Below is part of the Java codes.

3. Finished: Couple of modules have been developed on the front-end and put into testing phase.

BANCA Platform

The BANCA platform serves the global cryptocurrency community. BANCA’s dynamic eco-chain uses AI and expert system that includes automatic management. The BANCA platform analyzes Big Data and delivers precise services tailored to the specific needs of our individual users.



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