One simple question

Smart music promotion
2 min readOct 19, 2018


This is one simple question I ask those who still keep driving traffic to their website, when they release new music. The question is as follows:

Why EMINEM does all his releases using smart links?

He has a great website and is sure to have enough money to make a special page for a release… Why is it so that he does not promote his releases via the website?

Here is a link to the website:

Here is a link to the release page on a competitive service:

The answer to this question is very simple — the management of the artist is well aware that conversion from a smart link page is way higher than from the website!


  • website navigation is often complicated, one needs time to understand it;
  • not every website is adapted for mobile phones, which is the major source of traffic today (70–80%);
  • websites are often slow to load;
  • fans can be distracted by other content on the website and will not complete the desired action (click on a stream / download link);
  • it’s much easier for managers to create one smart link page with all music services than to ask programmers to add a new page to the website, in addition, they will have full control of analytics on clicks, countries and referring sources.

All this and even much more we offer with BandLink, a smart link service that is simpler, cheaper and more convenient than the competitors. We also allow you to use your own domain in the link name.

Here is an example:


