Bane Belladonna
4 min readOct 4, 2022

Scrying: How It Works & What It Is?

What is scrying?

Scrying is a method of divination that gazing into a medium, such as a crystal ball or pool of water, to receive visions. Scrying is one of the earliest methods of divination, in fact it can be dated back to the 10th Century in an ancient Persian text called the “Shahnameh”. It is considered an unconfined divination technique. Scrying contains numerous approaches that are all considered valid. There are almost no rules, depending on what you intend to use it for.

The easiest way to explain scrying is like daydreaming. The distinction is that you are not intentionally zoning out, but rather seeing something specific. Examples include: making spirit contact, for inspiration, symbolism that one can intuitively decipher using their psychic skills. If you have difficulty with meditation techniques, scrying can help the seer achieve a trance-like state to enable visions and messages. It will take time to get used to it, but with practice and patience, you can master it.

How does it work?

There is no specific time of day to scry, although some find that working during the night is ideal. Though it is not necessary, you can incorporate certain tools to enhance ones experience, such as: incense, specific herbs such as mugwort and wormwood, and candles.

Scrying with a mirror or crystal ball causes an event known as The Toxler Effect. This occurs when we convince ourselves we look different. We are unable to recognize our reflection as our own due to ones face looking distorted. If you can hold this gaze long enough, you may begin to see unfathomable anomalies. This is a powerful method to contact one’s familiar spirit.

What can you use for scrying?

While many prefer a classic crystal ball made of quartz or obsidian, an obsidian disc, and some opt instead for a black mirror, or a blade. You can also use alternatives, such as a bowl of water, smoke from a fire, smoke, tea leaves, tarot cards, or gazing at the stars and moon. Some even scry by looking through a mirror into their own eyes. Choose a medium that calls out to you, or what is available to you.

Tips For Scrying

● If you plan to use a black mirror, crystal, or obsidian disk, you must consecrate the object. Also remember to cleanse yourself before and after.

● All reflective scrying objects must be stored within a black cloth when not in use.

● Take notes. Remember to document your experience, including symbols and other notable accounts, such as feelings that may emerge, other images that may come through, and the level of difficulty.

● Remember to be patient and persistent. It will take time to develop your skills, but if you continue to practice, you will begin to receive clearer messages and become confident with your proficiency. .

What is scrying?

Scrying is a method of divination that gazing into a medium, such as a crystal ball or pool of water, to receive visions. Scrying is one of the earliest methods of divination, in fact it can be dated back to the 10th Century in an ancient Persian text called the “Shahnameh”. It is considered an unconfined divination technique. Scrying contains numerous approaches that are all considered valid. There are almost no rules, depending on what you intend to use2 it for.

The easiest way to explain scrying is like daydreaming. The distinction is that you are not intentionally zoning out, but rather seeing something specific. Examples include: making spirit contact, for inspiration, symbolism that one can intuitively decipher using their psychic skills. If you have difficulty with meditation techniques, scrying can help the seer achieve a trance-like state to enable visions and messages. It will take time to get used to it, but with practice and patience, you can master it.

How does it work?

There is no specific time of day to scry, although some find that working during the night is ideal. Though it is not necessary, you can incorporate certain tools to enhance ones experience, such as: incense, specific herbs such as mugwort and wormwood, and candles.

Scrying with a mirror or crystal ball causes an event known as The Toxler Effect. This occurs when we convince ourselves we look different. We are unable to recognize our reflection as our own due to ones face looking distorted. If you can hold this gaze long enough, you may begin to see unfathomable anomalies. This is a powerful method to contact one’s familiar spirit.

What can you use for scrying?

While many prefer a classic crystal ball made of quartz or obsidian, an obsidian disc, and some opt instead for a black mirror, or a blade. You can also use alternatives, such as a bowl of water, smoke from a fire, smoke, tea leaves, tarot cards, or gazing at the stars and moon. Some even scry by looking through a mirror into their own eyes. Choose a medium that calls out to you, or what is available to you.

Tips For Scrying

● If you plan to use a black mirror, crystal, or obsidian disk, you must consecrate the object. Also remember to cleanse yourself before and after.

● All reflective scrying objects must be stored within a black cloth when not in use.

● Take notes. Remember to document your experience, including symbols and other notable accounts, such as feelings that may emerge, other images that may come through, and the level of difficulty.

● Remember to be patient and persistent. It will take time to develop your skills, but if you continue to practice, you will begin to receive clearer messages and become confident with your proficiency. .

Have you scried before? Were you successful?

Bane Belladonna

Artist, writer, and a self proclaimed gothic Jill of trades.