MoneroV (XMV): A Fork That Keeps Getting Better and Better

Compared to its predecessor Monero, MoneroV team is dedicated for quick implementations on fixes and enhancements.

James Webber
2 min readOct 24, 2018

This blog won’t focus on discussing what MoneroV is. You can find a lot of MoneroV articles elsewhere. This blog rather will focus on how MoneroV will surpass its predecessor.

Just to recap, MoneroV aims to eliminate current issues facing Monero: infinite supply, scalability problems, and centralization. However, it doesn’t stop there. MoneroV just keeps adding reasonable features and fixes that would truly solve issues, and would, in return, greatly benefits all of its holders.

Their official website enlists some of the useful features already implemented (verbatim):

Monero’s Protocol Upgrade & MoneroV

Approximately on the 18th-19th of October (Monero’s version 8 starts from block 1685555), Monero will undergo a network upgrade. MoneroV’s independent network will not tweak its PoW algorithm as of now. Miners, pools, and services do not need to make any changes or download new software to use the MoneroV network which is stable.

We believe the changes introduced in the XMV launch are sufficient to curve potential threats to the network, and miners of all kinds can support the blockchain as it is. Minimum ringsize will remain at 7, with the option to increase when sending XMV’s.

MoneroV is and will remain the leading Cryptonight V7 based blockchain project, with improvements and add-ons we will be introducing in the coming months.

Monero Burning Bug Fix

The burning bug is a situation where a wallet is not providing a warning as it is receiving a ‘burnt’ output. As a result, an attacker could not directly benefit and accumulate coins but can harm the wallets of different organizations. We are glad to update that the Burning bug issue was already addressed and fixed weeks ago.

It is important for the community to be aware that there are no known security bugs or issues with the XMV network that prevents services, exchanges or pools to interact with the blockchain.

DoS/RPC Eppe Bug fix

A pair of denial of service vulnerabilities have been found, one by the Cisco Talos team, and one reported by the Monero team. In addition, a bug was found that could affect the RPC wallet. Both fixes have been pushed to master.

Talos Epee vulnerability release:
Talos Epee deep-dive:


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James Webber

Cryptocurrency aficionado and trend setter. Loves coffee and good reads in an afternoon free time.