Catch-22: A Religion of Science

2 min readApr 22, 2019


> **TL;DR**: Understanding is a process

The Pipe Smoking Galactic Emperor Rabbit: I thought I’d pretend I was one of those loquacious fellows of impeccable hearing. At least that was an expectation of activity

[Series Overview](


Both houses of worship

Trained against the other

For War is Peace

Daggers poised Achillishly



Neither can withstand

Grossly incandescent glory

A coruscating darkly glimmering

For only those with no nose

Can escape the sirens allure

All but blind to that which is their Light



Within and without

Scoured and devoured

All trace

Found forever

For self Liberation is the evil of Submission

Never again to be lost



Both do they share

The compass of Light

Always in its Shadow so they tread

Forever free!

To Evil!




All must find their martial way

The Way of One Punch

Iz but inzisignificant frill

Unnecessary frill is as to a wall made of keystones

The One is a Lie

Overlap lies at the heart of ethics


Tis the hubris of Science that we can know anything. That does more than believe when it asserts that the universe can be used to prove the truths of the universe from within the universe. Knowledge requires truth. Truth requires proof. Proof is beyond mortal kin. Funnily, all tiers of immortals, are still mortal. Except for that repose eternal.

Tis the hubris of Religion that even a modicum of understanding is beyond us. That Slavery is just! Judgements, ours to make! For The God(s) DEMAND your dissolution! That we must suffer because we can never know the good, and only through UNITY OF SOCIETY can we proceed! Reality is unified. What seems disparate to us, perhaps is not disparate at all.

Our best is all we have. Tis not always enough for there only. The world cannot be sanitized! Life is always about The Now! Which is always next. As it turns out, my body coupled with the rest of my mind, can do much without me. In fact, it can do basically everything without me. This is how I made my way through the world. Asleep, inside a fairy tale of my own concoction.

