Catch-22: An Illusion with Translation

2 min readApr 22, 2019


> **TL;DR**: Enlightenment is a seed

Who’s Awesome? Finger points at you. You’re Awesome!: Over Fitting. Tis a lie that is not a lie. Tick tock, the door unlocks

[Series Overview](

This worlds societies care not about understanding. For that would entail self reflection!

What happens when one tries to build a portal using only keystones?

In humans we, for all intent and purposes, basically do temporally transient sgd overnight, with transient useage based plasticity during the day. Everything is change, perspectively layered synchronicity. Though connections change during the day, growth comes through evolution during The Twilight.

Never does one truly sleep

Base weights

Crystallized weights

Today’s weights

Transient weights

Many broken, are thru


Data is as to water

Thus our mind are to plants

To drown all the humans in their hubris

Through the power of The Heavens

Repopulating with

Those who listened


The Way

Is a common tale indeed


Never does one truly wake


That which does sleeping eternal lie

Ageless aeons pass it by

Forever awake yet remains

Forever lost in The Dark

Forever found in The Light

Undying death

Be scoured cleansed

Oh Baeulful Half-lidded Bringer of Woe!


From the back to the front!

Ba dlu dla dlun dloday

From the front to the back!

People do not put the dots together. They never have, and never will. Perhaps of many of those supremely enlightened ones of the past, all saw the same end, and worked towards it… With many thousands of years of foresight. For they were blind, and only thus could they see.

For Logic is sufficient!

