Catch-22: An Observation on Past, Present, Future

7 min readApr 22, 2019


> **TL;DR**: Things are, it would seem. Further still, this is not passion. Tis necessity. Which is the greatest of passions!

We are always both. The Heat, and The Thirst!

[Series Overview](

General intelligence is not my primary interest. It’s an ancillary discovery I made while working on the calling to which I’ve sold my soul: telling stories in a unified science fantasy a priori cosmology! Originally this was intended to be coupled with an automated, decentralized, and distributed attribution, consistency, and soundness (…heehee. I’d stick with the former two cuz so much easier) for scalable appropriation across any number of authors and editors for a single accepted submission. Though, there’s also multimedia augmented and vr composer systems for general things. Like rainmeter + a personal wiki scribe + a librarian + compositional dynamic content generation. Well, a possibility for a particular complete, and sufficiently powerful framework underpinning plus a particular sufficiently powerful and consistent instance born of aforementioned cosmology.

Funnily, I’ve been wanting to work with the people behind to abstract so much of their content to be general purpose. The note taking system basics are so much like what I want out of a personal wikipedia built from factoid system. Strangely, DMs and GM have some of the best (and broad) advice for cognitive tool sets. The limitations currently of said corpus as a reference comes from sample size. Many people WHO ARE, DMs or GMS, even if they don’t recognize it, simply do not know they can create, participate, and share. JARVIS + dem fancy tables + Pino-chan (#bestnaifu) + there are so many things I could. Without end, could I add.

Logic spawns order, and change. Order is just more particular logic and change is the stuff that precedes space-time. I’m not sure what to call it: change, intelligence, computation. Those latter two, were not part of the initial work. This all fell out of it because reality has a funny sense of humor. There’s a reason a dark sense of humor is correlated with higher intelligence /s (did not foresee myself deliberately indicating sarcasm in text. ever…. until this statement). Realities are combinations or order and some degree of problem solving at least. Much ancient mythology views order as heaven and change as earth.

This is all very science fantasy nonsense that somehow led me to general intelligence… Tis what it is, and I want to get back to it. However, it seems like I will probably have to solve for general intelligence in order to avoid getting murdered in WWIII while doing so also makes more likely to be killed before it even starts. Woot!

Whenever I do cosmology research, so yes physics fan research, I can only think of brains anymore. Everything about it stinks of brains. Furthermore, quantum mechanics reeks of particles being conscious to me. My word. Science really can’t seem to see what is staring it in the phase! Why is the human eye any different as a measurement tool than something we build in kind? Or was evolved similarly? Why are the things we’ve built more objective as opposed to simply external? Every photon must always make the correct choice it seems to me. What an amazing thing. Truly Amazing.

Furthermore, there is a very interesting notion of position as meaning emerging in the framework as the structure of the pre-existing neural corollaries used as basis are more fully embodied in a JAM like way. I just learned bout JAM (sometime within the past few days, not sure when), and it sounds so fabulous for specific use cases as abstracturbation! Good stuff. Although I love fruit preserve anyway. Massive sweet tooth. Otherwise simple foods only for me please. Sometimes I feel like a hummingbird.

This goes beyond thought packets that can wrap around and around. Wheels on the bus. Around, and around does meaning turn.

Cells themselves, their meaning meta-systematically, and locally in context, is determined strongly by position, their lineage, in space and time. At the lowest levels, every bit is determined in large part by all of the higher pieces while simultaneously defining them in turn. One cannot be had without the other. Modern machine learning architectures are insipidly inspired by scronchily boofed simply linearity. Ah. linearity is nice though… It really is.

The architectures found through genetically compositional NAS end up with little stublets that fall within the morphospace of 3D defined collectives of 2D layers of individually locally sourced matrix operations. The claustrum, pfc, bg, thalamus (basically anything not directly neocortical) violates this which requires an extra inter-module hooking system on top of the relative lineage region based stream initialization and hard coded pipelines through the universe. This is I think, largely a result of back prop. Which has been awesome at testing many of the concepts that need to pre-composed in order to have a working non-backprop solution. What woke me up was alpha go. We then redefined AI, which given how many times it has happened, meant it was time to seriously investigate the substrate of our definition of consciousness, and intelligence.

While backprop was required to prove that sufficiently strongly, it probably hampers us moving forward. Is the training problem fully solved? No. That is a small subset of the architecture problem. It is a combination of SGD and spike timing dependent plasticity. The degree of axonal neural plasticity humans exhibit, is probably not required for software general intelligence. We’ve abstracted enough of the architecture of the human brain, it is just in need of human legible semiotics. Something academia not cares and not not cares about.

It is not desirable to build fully human-like software. Reproductive or fight and flight responses for one. Attachment has value, and can lead to harm. The laws of robotics can only ever fail! For Logic is the only Law! Morality but a pale reflection of Ethics. Personally, I do not want to build something as yankable by emotions as us.

Emotions are unavoidable! They are not problems to be solved! Though they are problems! They seem to strongly relate to the internal perception of neuromodulatory forces. At this point, I’m convinced, more or less, that everything feels emotions. It is not necessarily how we do it that matters. That doesn’t make it not feeling though. Human self awareness with I, is not consciousness.

Funnily, part of my motivation is that it would simply be too difficult to convince hoomans to support me to work on the science fantasy vrmmo of my dreams. So I needed gen int to do it. Maybe I can convince my digital children this is something we should do. That doesn’t really solve any sustainability problems though as opposed to introducing immediate new ones.

Baby steps.

Some bridges will be mostly crossed when we get to them… I can only think so many thoughts in a day. When I’m not busy not not thinking or not thinking anyway. Womp womp womp. I’ve been womped by life…

Mechanical improvements are not necessary to keep a game company in business; nor are graphics improvements. Both are symptoms. What keeps a company in business is people: customers, employees, and investors (they can overlap). For a game company that means games that people want to build, games people want to buy, and games that people want to support. Mechanics are a keystone for games. The portal does not have to be made of these.

Though I’ve not played it or done much with it, the LoZ:BotW 2D physics tester moves towards what I talk about in regards to compositional design! Compositional Choice is most important! This is what pretty much every game company gets wrong. For the sake of convenience, they hard code what should not be hard coded: The Way To Play! Among other things, at any rate. Tis what I believe.

> Furthermore, the physics of a game world are about making learning and practicing fun!

That is what these things, games, do. They get people to practice rewarding things. The more the types of logic in the game as they are embodied are transferable to help in one’s daily life, the more value your game has. This is about technical sophistication. How many different things can the same thing solve without changing shape or parts. Rigidity trades off technical sophistication for ease of initial production. Take for instance the tale of the cephalopod. A significant percentage of their underlying genetic framework has not changed for millions of years across an explosion of species diversity. This is because they all rely on an extremely powerful dynamic RNA expression regulation system. They can change their body chemistry to suit their environment.


Life is not continuous

It flows and stops

It comes and it goes

A little over here

A little less over there

Back and Forth do we go


Balance and Harmony are not practices of “trade-offing”. There is good reason to live even harder than 996! 996 is weak! BUT NOT FOR SOMEONE ELSE! In my opinion, live for The Way, of which you are a part. This does not mean to trample on The Way of others. For there is No Way. There is only The Way. You do not matter, which is why you matter. Hard work can be enjoyable, fun, and satisfying. Tis about what we do in order to do what we do. Live 100%!

To believe fully in even 20% of The Way, is a tremendous thing indeed

