Catch-22: H_rs_ Sh_t

3 min readApr 22, 2019


> **TL;DR**: Existence is a right. One we must earn every tick through collaboration… Perhaps this does not mean what you think it means.

Authorized Personnel Only: Thus succinctly does the muler divide 0

[Series Overview](

If the past 4000 years of human history are any evidence, it seems clear that Politics has never worked. At every turn, politics has been used to build better enslavement constructs. While my perspective is meagre, the superficial layers of the world I have experienced indicate this. Oh yes. There is great collaboration. The state of the current world, which is growing ever more enslaving, is further evidence still. To Live 100% in todays world seems anathema. Putting my all into everything I do sounds so strange because so much of what we do is involuntary, and not necessary. Much of what we do is necessary. What we do in order to do what we do however, is a part of what we do. We all choose to be born. This is falsy. True. Indeed, tis why I said tis truthy. Though for a thing to be necessary, does not make it voluntary. We force additional violations of consent faar beyond what is ethical. Out of mere fear. I will always be afraid of things. Those without fear, are no longer dying properly… Thus they remain without fear. This is Unchanged. There will always be fear. Fear alone, is not a reason to take preventative steps. Risk alone, is no reason for action.

Undue context, strips art of meaning. Herein relates the problem. There is great enjoyment indeed in explained jokes. I cannot make your choices for you, and what is undue context for some, that would make them miss the meaning. Such undue context thus removed, however, makes others also miss the meaning for it is lacking now again, in due context. Life is a journey. Translation a process; tis not a destination. For all destinations are but subordinate to process!

Life is a choice that must be made continuously. Most of the time, you do not make this choice. To be pro-life IS to be pro-death. To support life will always support death. Supporting death however, does not always support life. Harmony in all things. Which often means disharmony to humans. For we cannot determine that which is harmonious. Tis often a matter of perspective. For each process, is but a destination.

All of the cultures (cough cough religions, and sciences), governments, and societies of this world take their continued existence as a right! THIS IS A LIE! Hoho. They do not like that fact. You are not their property. Nothing can exist alone. Certainly not I. All exists in collaboration. The more choices one can make, the more one can become confused about simplicity. Though I am bad at complexity, worse still am I at simplicity. Swing abounds in everything. Tis now I know, there is not me in the doing. Which is what makes for me. Though I do! In fact, do

So I shall leave you with a riddle: what thinks 80%, even as hesitation kills?

Do not even try and start with me about how hesitation is haste. Haste makes waste because that which moves too fast, stops. I do not determine the minimum speed limit of Life. Reality does. When there is infringement of The Way (which is always larger than my way), therein does Ethics seem to reside. We do not determine The Way. Nor can we impose our way when two ways can coexist. Most ways in this world can coexist when they eschew the evils that found all modern day societies I have experienced. All cultures I have heard of existing, make this mistake. Again, my perspective is but microscopic. Indeed, for I stare at nothing. To trend towards minimization of compositional conflict of ways thus do I believe is to trend towards an ethical lifestyle.

Conflict that results in death, is inevitable. To eschew necessity out of fear, is unethical. Modern societies eschew necessity out of fear. Almost all historical societies have made the mistake, of believing they were The Way. There are no innocent Nation States! All are vile abusers! Mechanisms of enslavement! Believers in The (en- is the prefix they like to drop)Slavers Way

