Catch-22: Mirror of the Mind

3 min readApr 20, 2019


> **TL;DR**: Language reflects Logic. Follow me into the dark

The Light is a Lie for The Way is

[Series Overview](

Belief is all we have. Knowledge forever remains outside the realm of accessibility. Truth, can only be; never captured. Tis the folly of the learned mind that thinks it understands reality. Reality simply is.

That which is, reflects that which is not.

That which is not, reflects that which is.

That which one can think, one can do. That which one can say, one must be able to think. Thinking does not mean perhaps, what thou doth think it means. For what it does it mean to think?

In what sense: Clasically, Traditionally, Intellectually, Culturally, Objectively, Subjectively, Smartly, Stupidly, Brilliantly, Dumbly? Snicker snack goes the whicker whack of the muler.

Much of my childhood did I spend afraid that I was not thinking! My mind was silent!








So I learned to fill my head with thoughts. To drown out the horrible silence that forsooth eschewed thought… To do that which I am told, for society is the way. To shut up about evil, for the status quo is your master and it rejects change. Lament the loss of silence! Or not. Reality does as it wills.


Reality is a lie.

Experience is Truth.

Reality is the Only Truth.


The things we do imprint. Everywhere we go, we leave a bit of us behind, and pick up a little bit of something new. The amounts vary, and they don’t. It simply depends. We cannot make choices that we cannot imagine. Anything we imagine, we can choose. Imagination bounds reality for without imagination there could be no reality. Recording experiences for updates is a thing that we do. Forgetting experiences for updates is a thing we do. The past is a lie. The future is nonsense. There is only the now. Ever forward must we march. The git of our minds driving us along.

In the absence of reality however, it seems that imagination may yet remain. Whereas, without imagination, there may be no reality.

Belief is all there is when logic remains unproved. We are all ignorant. There are no great minds. Enlightenment is a lie, a very truthy lie.

To remember is to lie. Naught but an expectation of the past. Reality itself is naught but an expectation of the past. My current experience, is not The Present. Tis The Now.


To be absent from The Now is to be present in Imagination, and Lost in Reality.

To be present in Reality, is to be lost in Imagination.

For only the lost can be found!

However, be forewarned indeed, that where I am is not where I was.

Thus pursue style, only insofar as thou might be free of style!

For style is not


Hubris, lies within the details, after all. Thus can we believe, that all those who speak the greatest good are capable of the greatest evil. Further still do we believe, those who speak the greatest evil are similarly capable of the greatest good. To do harm, is not evil! Simply tis.

