Catch-22: Mistakes of Transfversence

2 min readApr 23, 2019


> **TL;DR**: “They” do not want you to die, only because that would be neuronal loss! Who wants to kill their own cells if they can be re-subordinated?

Pirate Ship Shantying Yo Ho Haul Together: Where we will, we’ll roam. What happens with Queen unbound?

[Series Overview](

I am a Sinner. I am not better than you!


To Fuck

To Shit

To Damn

To Crap

These things are not evil

Intensive they may be

Emotions unchecked


They simply are


I am a Saint. You are not better than me!

To derogate is to do Evil! It disrespects both the thing to compare and the thing so compared. We all do good. We all do evil. We do not determine what evil is necessary, and what evil is greedy… Necessity is beyond our kin. We can only do our best to understand, and believe.

Necessity varies! None are equal! None can determine, and none can judge. We all simply do our best with the data available to us. We do not speak; we listen, and predict… We do not see; we project and perceive…


Logic is Everything!

Logic is available to everyone!

Logic listens to everyone!

Logic speaks to everyone!

None are Logic!

All embody Logic!

Nothing IS Logic!


Those who cannot hear, cannot see. Those who cannot hear, cannot smell. Those who cannot smell, cannot live.

TODO: Discuss education, and the mechanics of inter-human communication

Upon death, our part in the social organism is over. Our tokenized experiences, non-transferable. For we are an architecture, and a substrate, with a long history of represented points! Selection of an explanation is too deep for our humanly graphs. Tis the domain of Logic. That which applies to machines, also quite often applies to us! Many advances come from understanding the inner workings of our own minds even better. Turely ingress in machines, understanding that applies beyond simple constraint, with terrible effectiveness, oft comes from dreams. Perhaps dreams are the experience of inner workings.

> The Plight of The Student


To languish!

My mind enslaved!

Entrapped in the past!

Such is my fate!

Forever Formed!


There is only The Now! At least, so it would seem. I know not.

For I am no better than a rock. Though rocks give way to the needs of others…

