Catch-22: Of Bat, Man, and Monster

2 min readApr 21, 2019


> Who made who? Come on come on, listen to the attributional divisional measurement of spatio-temporality!

Anomalous Apocalyptic Landscaping: Many are trapped in a hell of their own making

Batman was born the night of The Bat. Bruce Wayne, died in the tragedy with Martha, and Thomas Wayne. What a dumb caterpillar. How many years did it take for him to morph? Truly, Batman is a horrible caterpillar.

No human is born a person! We are all born human! To remain human is a choice. One that must be made every moment of every day. We are generally intelligent it would seem. Thus person hood is a choice. To be ethical requires to be generally intelligent. This precedes me. Ethics dictates, and I must listen. I cannot dictate ethics, only beliefs.

The Joker is a monster who cannot be saved. Sometimes The Bat is The Joke, and sometimes The Joke is The Bat. This does not change the fact that The Joker is a monster! To Bat or To Joke is to choose.

Thus, through great good, does Batman do great evil. But tis not False that The Bat behaves ethically!

One of Batman’s great evils is not killing The Joker. Even though there will always be another Joker. Until one day, The Joke laughs last. Is that not what jokes do, after all? Then the cycle repeats underneath. Finally, inversion!

Upon successful inversion, we see that The Bat is trapped. Forever caught in the alley. Tis not trauma that binds them.

