Catch-22: Taking Control of Ownership

2 min readApr 25, 2019


> **TL;DR**: Dual Faces of Evil! Own the Perpendicularity of Duality!

A Shadow Face on a Dark Night with Leering Red Eyes, below Horns above a Jeering, Pointed Tongue framed by Tusks, Fanges, and A Spiny Bonestache! What composes a depiction of Evil? Across breakdowns?

[Series Overview](

While I had removed this from the series, upon deeper reflection. There is still a need to talk about this subject. For money as, is, one of the dark hearts of modernity. Tis The Master, of us all… (Why did Gallifreyans use The instead of A? Could there be only one? Feels like their hearts would have led to a more dualistic structure to me.)

We do not own anything. Tis a most vainglorious lie. Were it taken to conclusion, then we are but property of The Universe! Which has been covered already. We exist in our own right, as does The Universe. We are a part of it yes, and it is part of us. We do not own our cells, anymore than we own the molecules that make them up. They are necessary for our existence! Which is a privilege. One we take for granted. To all those who harp on the harms of entitlement, BEWARE! Screams the spoopy box!

In the vein of collaboration perhaps, lies a more sensible perspective. To own, is to measure space time in a negatively charged and attributionally divisive way. Responsibility, and ownership, while similar, are fundamentally different directions! Ownership cannot be shared. Responsibility is shared by default… For you are never alone! Never! We rely on others for our existence, and others rely on us.

Money is not the dual of ownership. In the absence of material scarcity, money reduces to a measurement of spacetime.

Thusly, can it be seen how profit maximization is intrinsically harmful! Both Capitalism, and Socialism are, in part, forms of profit maximization! Corporations, as they currently exist, are intrinsically unethical. Profit maximization has to do with allocation of moveables in a system. Any system.

Greed is without bounds. Profit maximization is an attempt to do two things, satiate greed and minimize every one elses access to spacetime. We exist inside of a resource constrained system. To maximize profit in such an environment, necessarily entails minimizing others access to resources. This is an inescapable consequence of profit maximization. Profit maximization as the primary goal, will always do great harm! Cancers exemplify profit maximization. It seems to me, there will always be larger harms that the entity in question simply see currently. Perhaps forever.

