Catch-22: The Way

1 min readApr 19, 2019


> **TL;DR**: Humanity has blood to pay for the evil it chose!

Such is The Way

[Series Overview](


Your Way is not My Way

My Way is not Your Way

Should our Ways align

How fabulous

Should they diverge

Then may we part in peace



What will be will be

Our choices shape the past, present, and future

Continuously, at our behest!



All who claim to know The Way, know it not

All that claims to be The Way, is not


To hit the nail on the head, is to miss the nail entirely so spaketh The Logiks

Thanks so much for readin! Y’all have a good one, ifn it please ye.

In these things, do we believe. Do not judge the intelligence of a fish by its ability to climb trees lest your meagre beliefs be challenged beyond

