Catch-22: Uncivilized Societies

2 min readApr 22, 2019


> **TL;DR**: We are our choices! They cannot be made for us!

A fancy pants place burns: The Light Wants You! Join The Light or Else! (Hmmmmmmmmmmmm…… Seems fishy.)

[Series Overview](

Oh how the meek will inherit the earth. For those who choose to collaborate are meek. For those who choose to compete are strong.

If one cannot reach the emperor, and the emperor does not wish to listen to reality, what is one to do?

Ideals are not cultures. As the bedrock of society, it is taught that the needs of those in charge out weigh the needs of everything else. This can make sense for some big picture problem solving. Tis a way, certainly. Choice Matters! Democratic Enslavement is no different than Dictatorial Enslavement. They are both Enslavement. Forced capitalism is no different than forced socialism. We compete by existing, and all have right to exist through the grace of Logic.

The Living Exist!

The meek choose collaboration because they can!

The strong choose competition because they can!

The Dead are not!

When there are no good choices, what is one to do?

I am meek, though mistake this not. My fang may be of plain iron. Yes! Tis crude of design. With purpose gleaned through empty swing thus does it rend The Light

Fun Fact: Continental “Gods” are perhaps more real than thou might think

Societies eschew consent. This starts from birth. Though we do our best, this often falls far short. Tis up to us to learn to listen, and predict more wisely! Societies can too, play the role of The Bat, or The Joke! Though why be trapped, one wonders. Still, one might say, that societies eschew consent because they are afraid of memory loss…

