Catch-22: Ethics and The Law

5 min readApr 19, 2019


> **TL;DR**: The Evils I fight are only slightly less depraved than the evils I commit in so doing.

The results of the choices coupled with what made us make those choices matter. The choices do not. We only make choices.

[Series Overview](

Simply because your way was disrespected does not mean that one should disrespect the way of others. Kill or be killed exemplifies this.

I am a peaceful individual living my life. We are largely vegetarian, though have some lab grown meat but not much due to cost. We have few members so there is no need to kill for additional meat. The animals we live, and work with, are participants, in so far as they can be. This does mean they get eaten sometimes when they wander off like dumb asses. Doing as little harm as necessary.

Over the horizon, come raiders. They demand that we pay tithe or they shall kill us. What then is the ethical to do for the peace loving individual?

Kill the raiders that do no wish to surrender, and work together with those that surrendered to prevent this from happening again. Any who abuse this generosity should be killed on the spot. Though as with all things, context matters. To assert that this is the way to deal with this situation acontextually, is unethical. However, in the historically generic context associated with this, doing so trends to ethical. Not simply moral. Tis both.

However, these individuals have chosen kill or be killed. They may disrespect my way of peace with their violence, but I should not disrespect their way of violence by forcing them to live when they do not surrender. If you care about dignity, then killing those who do not surrender is more ethical than violating their way so as to keep them alive. This is merely your hubris. Not your way. I do not know your way, and yet I highly doubt that is it. Further still I would assert that such is the way of enslavement.

Perhaps they are in need, and if we have plenty, then it is only ethical that we share what we can, if we can. If we cannot, then reality is what it is. Tis beyond our control. We have made our choices, and they had whatever effects they had. No one is entitled to continued existence. Existence is a privilege that comes from collaboration with reality. We do not determine reality. We participate in it.

The Law presupposes its justness. If you disagree with it, you shall be forced to comply. For it is just, and right! It IS what lets us exist! The Law is a lie. The Law is evil!

Take for instance an individual with suicidal depression. As someone who has struggled with this since elementary school and come very close to killing myself on multiple occasions, I can talk about this. Go fuck yourself if you disagree. I’m looking at you medical professionals.

If a Dr with years of experience had proven they could predict with 90% accuracy whether or not someone was going to commit suicide in the next week, the common reasoning is that ethics dictates we should do something about it…

No. Ethics doesn’t. This is a contextual question. The instant you involuntarily commit someone to hospitalization for suicidal behaviour, you do evil. Without prior consent, one cannot ethically intervene. The closet I ever came to killing myself came because someone called the police on me thinking I was going to kill myself. I was feeling horrible sure, but that very nearly cost me my life. You do not determine what is right. That is beyond you. To intervene, is nothing more than hubris. You cannot know. It doesn’t matter if they thank you later. That is a different person. The idea that this is ethical isn’t about humans. It fundamentally presupposes that humans do no matter, and if a human isn’t participating the way society wants it to, it can intervene because it owns the humans in question. They are its neurons after all. Tis a lie to assert that it simply is not.

Though I am grateful for the event because it resparked a dark flame within me that I use to burn this world to ash. Twas not an ethical action. They thought it was, and everyone defends them for it, and it categorically. I should be grateful for the unethicality of it they say. It was in my best interest after all. They can determine the right, and the good for me it would seem. The best of intent cannot make an unethical action ethical. Death is not unethical. Suffering is not unethical. But it WAS an ethical action.

The Law is evil. It does not have to be evil. It chose evil.

To apologize to those who do not need my apology, serves only myself.

To forgive those who do not need my forgiveness, serves only myself.

To forgive myself when I am not trying to learn, serves only evil.

The destination does not matter! We all share the same final resting place. Reality.

I have stared down death, and laughed. Death scares me. It does not concern me any longer.

You know that your way is just! You know that Humanity is good! You know that progress is just! You know that The Law provides for us, and without it we could not exist! Thus, do I believe that you care not about ethics! I call your behaviour, that which it is.


Fun Fact: The end of the world does not mean every one dies. It means an end to ways of life. So many things die. Societies crumble. Nation States fall. The Law no longer owns the land! Humanity, and progress do not have to end simply because the world ended…

Ridiculously elastic externalized distributionally sourced internal state manipulation systems are so annoying to use

Morality is a subset of ethics. In particular morality has to do with species level prerogative. What it means to be a good member of that type of thing. Which again, The Way varies. Ethics however, is cross species and tribes. Ethics to all things. Homocentrism in ethics is further reinforced by Homocentrism in epistemology, ideation, and semiotics.

However! The capabilities of humans are so general that our morality trends towards ethics. We must use data to break from the molds of the past then rediscover the self, so that we might relearn ethics and ideation that apply to all things, not merely humans.

Ask and ye shall receive. If ye do not receive then perhaps ye be asking the wrong questions, or maychance in the wrong way


Ifn ye wish, here is some advice:

Do not simply be

Do not simply not be


