Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Time is a lie

Devendra Vyas
1 min readFeb 2, 2023


Time has no meaning, it’s just for human perception,

A unit of time, is nothing but a denotation

To find true meaning, you buy their rendition

You run for peace, just to end in vexation

To find your purpose, with the wise you chime

Simply living is boring, Work-hard coz it’s your prime

Purposeless lest you fall flat, surpass everyone become sublime

I ask myself ever so-often, would I Still do all this if there were no time

You watch videos and read books & blog

Have no true friends? Get a cat & dog,

Peace is all you want but stillness is a slog,

Time becomes useless when just my own company is the prologue

Age is just a number, you buy that franchise

Fear is the emotion, that you avoid in this guise,

And it’s just convenient, so you philosophise,

Call me stupid but I must say it’s a lie that Time Flies

