Seethaphal: Health Benefits And Side Effects

4 min readMay 4, 2023

The tropical fruit known as seethaphal is also referred to as the golden custard apple, Cherimoya, Sharifa, and Bullock’s heart. These names come from the shape of the fruit. The seeds of the fruit are normally dark brown or black, while its flesh is typically slimy white and gritty in texture.

Seethaphal that has reached maturity exudes an enticing and subdued perfume. This fruit is incredibly delicate because it is simple to bruise or break. As a result of the high levels of fibre, vitamins, and minerals that it contains, it can improve several aspects of one’s health, including the immune system, the condition of one’s eyes, and the condition of one’s heart.

However, excessive consumption can also have several other unfavourable impacts on the body. The state of Maharashtra, located in India, where the seethaphal fruit was initially farmed in the United States, today produces the largest output of quality seethaphal. Seethaphal is grown in large quantities in India, particularly in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh.

Want to know more? No, worries, ToneOp brings benefits and adverse effects. Keep on reading!

The Health Benefits of Seethapal

Seethaphal has a strong nutritional profile and offers many health benefits. The following is a list of some of its health benefits:

1. Reduces The Effects Caused by Cancer Cells

It has been demonstrated that seethaphal possesses anticancer qualities, which may assist patients in halting the progression of breast cancer without causing them to experience any unwanted side effects.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) conducted several laboratory investigations that concluded that it demonstrates anticancer potential in raw extracts and isolated components. The leaf extract’s potential to inhibit the spread of cancer cells and its harmful effects on cancer cells was demonstrated.

However, it is important to consult a medical professional before consuming fruits or vegetables to treat medical problems like cancer.

2. Reduces Hair Loss

According to research conducted at the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), the oil extracted from custard apple seeds may stimulate hair growth. Due to its anti-inflammatory characteristics, the seed oil may help reduce inflammation of the scalp and accompanying hair loss.

In addition to this, it may assist the scalp in absorbing nutrients, which are necessary for healthy hair. Seethaphal is rich in iron, which helps to enhance blood flow to the scalp, stimulate hair follicles, and ultimately encourage hair growth. Seethaphal also contains several other beneficial compounds.

3. Increases Postpartum Milk Production

Custard apples are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, which may benefit the embryo’s development. In addition, it may diminish labour discomfort during delivery, reduce the likelihood of having a miscarriage, and increase the amount of milk that is produced after giving birth. Additionally, it is wonderful for the skin, eyes, hair, and other blood-related tissues developing on the foetus.

4. Improves Skin Appearance

It has been established that seethaphal inhibits the production of sebum (oil), which cleans the skin’s pores and protects against acne and pimples. It has the potential to refine and brighten the skin. The Seethaphal tree’s fruit maintains the skin’s natural tone and enhances its attractiveness.

It is an abundant source of amino acids and contributes to the production of collagen, a protein responsible for the skin’s suppleness.

The Potential Side Effects Of Seethaphal

Even though seethaphal are loaded with nutrients, consuming them in large quantities might be detrimental to one’s health. Consuming excessive seethaphal has been linked to the following undesirable effects:

1. Tends To Cause Weight Gain

Seethaphal is high in calories, so eating them may increase body weight. Although they contain enough sugars to promote healthy weight growth, excessive consumption of these foods should be avoided because they are known to cause damage to the liver and kidneys, among other body organs. Seethaphal is something that diabetics should stay away from because it has the potential to spike blood sugar levels.

2. Excessive Fibre Content

As they have a high concentration of fibre, eating excessive amounts can cause short-term bloating and weight gain. In certain circumstances, consuming excessive fibre can make you unwell. It may cause vomiting, constipation, and difficulty passing stools or gas. Consuming excessive amounts of seethaphal can make you sick because of the large amount of fibre they contain.

3. Leads To Several Medical Conditions

Seethaphal should be consumed in a measured amount if you are already taking prescribed drugs. As they bring down high blood pressure, there is a chance that your blood pressure can drop suddenly. Because of this, you should talk to your physician before eating this fruit.

The Bottom Line

Seethaphal is a tropical fruit with a sweet flavour and a creamy texture. It is chock full of beneficial nutrients that help to improve digestion, immunity, and mood. Seethaphal contains trace levels of many potentially poisonous chemicals, most notably in its skin and its seeds.

Before eating the seethaphal you need to first remove the seeds and peel the skin. The consumption of this particular fruit can be of considerable help to the maintenance of a diet that is both nutrient-dense and well-balanced.

