The Illusion of Many Options

Dr BantuKwanza
9 min readNov 2, 2023


Why Having More Options Lead to Less Satisfaction in Relationships

A beautiful world where the next potential partner is just a swipe away, the abundance of choices, although exciting , often leads to a paradox of dissatisfaction.

My pen is ready to unravel this mystery.

The Paradox of Choice

In the modern day, we’re often told that more is better. More ice cream flavors, more shoe styles, more dating apps… the list goes on. But what if I told you that this abundance of choice is actually leaving us more disappointed than ever?

With the domination of social media all over our lives we tend to feel there are many options for us and therefore we likely to take what we have for granted.

It is called the Paradox of Choice, a theory that suggests that while choice is good, too much of it can lead to decision paralysis, anxiety, and dissatisfaction. It’s like standing in front of a gigantic menu at a restaurant, feeling overwhelmed and fearing you’ll pick the wrong dish.

“Autonomy and freedom of choice are critical to our well being, and choice is critical to freedom and autonomy. Nonetheless, though modern Americans have more choice than any group of people ever has before, and thus, presumably, more freedom and autonomy, we don’t seem to be benefiting from it psychologically” this is a quote from the book Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz.

Now, translate that scenario to the realm of love and relationships. Thanks to dating apps and social media platforms, finding a new partner and fantasizing about all the possibilities is just a swipe away. But is this abundance of choice helping or hindering our quest for lasting love and contentment?

In this short article, we’ll wander through the avenues of modern relationships, exploring how the endless buffet of partner choices is creating a narrative of discontent, intolerance, and fragile connections.

This idea struck me as I pondered why, with the feeling of having numerous options, we tend to ease up on our commitments, often not putting in the enough effort to make these beautiful relationships last.

So, buckle up as we break down why having a plethora of romantic options might just be the stealthy culprit destroying our happily ever afters.

The Mirage of Better Options

In an era where the next potential date is a mere swipe away, it’s easy to fall into the mirage of endless possibilities. There’s a nagging voice that whispers, “What if there’s someone better just a swipe away?”

Imagine being on instagram and swiping seeing all beautiful half naked babes of different ethnicity and texture, amazing huh?

Or watching a reel on tiktok where you see a rich handsome man getting out of his expensive sport car and you keep wondering all the possibilities.

Yes!This is the modern-day romance’s dilemma. The vast ocean of potential partners on dating platforms, tv shows narratives and social medias can evoke a sense of endless possibilities, leading many to believe the perfect partner is just around the corner. But alas, the quest for the elusive “better” often leads to a cycle of perpetual dissatisfaction.

In today’s social media circle, a guy can easily stumble upon profiles of dazzling ladies who seem to have it all — they’re rich, wild, and oh-so-enticing in countless ways. It’s easy to get caught in the thought, “Hey, I could meet and date someone like this anytime.” But oh, how the digital world can spin a tale far from the reality! The truth might be a world away from this rosy picture.

While these profiles portray a world filled with exciting possibilities, the reality might be singing a different tune. The flashy photos and flirty texts might spark fantasies of endless romantic adventures, but when the screen goes black, reality hits home.

The dream of mingling with the rich and gorgeous might remain just that, a dream. The lesson? While social media paints a tempting picture of love and luxury just a click away, the truth might be a little less glitter and a lot more grounded. And hey, who says reality can’t be just as thrilling?

Let’s get real, the promise of a more perfect partner is enticing but it’s also a slippery slope. It’s like being on a romantic treadmill, constantly running but never really reaching the destination of contentment.

Studies have shown that when presented with numerous choices, we are less likely to make a decision, and even when we do, we’re less satisfied with our choice. It’s the classic case of the “grass is greener” syndrome, and it’s leaving many hopping fences only to find the same scenario on the other side.

Our brains are not wired to handle an overload of options. It creates a scenario where many feel they are settling for less, even when they are with someone wonderful.

These mirage brings about the psychological quagmire of always seeking better, fostering a culture of comparison and dissatisfaction in relationships. The irony? The endless chase often leads us further away from the very happiness we seek.

Erosion of Tolerance

Once upon a time, couples weathered storms together, fixing the leaks in their relationship boats with patience and understanding. Fast forward to today, where the abundance of options has, unfortunately, eroded the soil of tolerance and patience in relationships.

Now, at the first sign of trouble, it’s tempting to jump ship, lured by the siren call of other options awaiting on social medias and dating apps.

With techniques for break ups and all types of social programs for eluding minds by showcasing unlimited options have being aired on every corner of the social media, nobody cares about fixing anymore.

Remember the old adage, “patience is a virtue”? It seems to have gotten lost in the whirlpool of swipes and likes. It’s easier to swipe left on problems rather than facing them head-on when you believe there’s a sea of other fish waiting in the social medias and dating app oceans.

Our forebearers didn’t have the luxury (or curse) of such abundant choice, and they invested time and effort to mend fences and build stronger bonds.

The narrative has shifted from “let’s work through this” to “maybe there’s someone else better suited for me.” This shift creates a fragile foundation for relationships, where the willingness to work through challenges is replaced by the allure of fresh starts with new partners. However, as many eventually find out, the grass isn’t always greener — it’s just a different shade of the same color.

Tolerance and patience are the glue that holds relationships together during rough patches, as we have now seen how the erosion of these virtues, propelled by the illusion of better choices, is chipping away at the resilience and longevity of modern romantic connections.

The High Road to Breakups

In the digital age, breaking up seems to be as easy as ordering a pizza — a few taps on a screen and it’s done. The allure of better options has created a shortcut to the exit door in relationships. Why toil through the muddy waters of relationship issues when you could simply start afresh with someone new? This mentality is akin to changing cars every time you get a flat tire — it’s easier, but is it wiser?

The barrage of social media’s direct messages, compliments, and likes has stirred the minds of the younger generation into a frenzy, making them feel hyped and invincible. This has paved the way for an unrealistic approach to situations where they overestimate their allure and prospects in the dating market.

Consequently, this mindset has fueled a trend of easy breakups, as individuals reject settling for what they perceive as less, perpetually seeking the next best thing.

Data tells a compelling story. Studies have unveiled a correlation between the endless pool of potential partners on dating apps and suitors compliments on social media and the rising rates of breakups. It’s a tale of transient connections in a world where the next best thing could be just a swipe away.

And while the adrenaline rush of new love is exciting , it’s the deep-rooted, resilient love that stands the test of time which seems to be becoming a rare commodity.

Let’s be real, working through issues is tough; it’s like navigating through a storm. However, the easy out offered by the plethora of options often robs couples of the chance to build a strong ship together, one that could weather life’s tempests.

As i have learned from personal experiences good things takes time and there is no one person who will check all the boxes, so sometimes being a journeyman and move from one relationship to another may not be the solution for your relationship problem.

The major downside of this mentality is that often when you feel full of options, your mind may conveniently relieve you from accountability. This can lead to overlooking the possibility that you could be the cause of any arising issues in the relationship.

Eventually, such behavior could lead to a perpetual blame game, always pointing fingers at your partner without taking a moment to reflect in the mirror and identify where the real problem might be lurking.

This mindset fuels the statistics and stories behind modern-day breakups, explaining how the pursuit of an elusive ‘better’ has led many to jump from one relationship to the next, caught in a never-ending cycle of fleeting satisfaction.

The Pursuit of an Illusory Happiness

Ah, the pursuit of happiness, an age-old endeavor that has become somewhat of a wild goose chase in the modern dating realm. The idea that there’s always someone better, someone who could make us happier, has turned the quest for contentment into a never-ending merry-go-round. Each new swipe or like promises the euphoria of new love, yet often leaves us back at square one, searching for that elusive “perfect” match.

It’s a bit like chasing rainbows — beautiful from afar, but you never really reach the end. The constant chase for the “better” often blinds us to the good that’s right in front of us. It’s a bitter irony; in the chase for a fantastical happy-ever-after, many miss out on the real, imperfect, yet beautiful love that could be nurtured with the person beside them.

The societal shift towards always wanting more has fostered an environment where appreciating what one has become old-fashioned. Yet, it’s often in the mundane, the routine, and the known, where true contentment lies.

Surviving the Tide of Choices

In this modern narrative of abundant romantic options, how does one anchor down amidst the churning sea of potential partners? It’s about learning to appreciate the boat you’re in, rather than eyeing the ships passing by.

Here are a few navigational aids to help couples sail through the turbulent waters of choices:

Awareness: Recognizing the illusion of infinite better choices is the first step. Awareness that the grass isn’t always greener can provide a reality check.

Gratitude: Cultivating gratitude for your partner fosters appreciation and counters the lure of the seemingly endless buffet of options out there.

Communication: Engaging in open communication about fears, desires, and expectations can fortify your relationship against the temptations that come with abundant choices.

Investment: Investing time and effort in nurturing your current relationship can lead to deeper satisfaction and a stronger bond.

Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness can help individuals live in the moment, appreciating the present rather than fantasizing about other possibilities.

It’s about learning to value the treasure you have, rather than embarking on an endless quest for mythical romantic gold.

As i take my pen to a sleep you should always remember;

Our journey through the modern love landscape unveils a poignant reality: the quest for better often blinds us to the goodness of what we already have.

The paradox of plenty in romantic choices unveils a crucial lesson: that happiness and contentment lie in appreciating the imperfect yet genuine bonds we share, rather than in chasing an elusive ideal fostered by endless choices.

I encourage you to reflect on the richness of deep, committed relationships. While the glitter of new connections can be enticing, it’s often the gold of tried-and-tested bonds that holds the promise of enduring satisfaction.

The narrative of endless romantic choices presents a call to shift from the superficial to the substantial, from the fleeting to the enduring, from the many to the meaningful. As we steer away from the illusion of infinite better choices, we open the door to a realm of deeper connection, genuine appreciation, and authentic love.

Dr Baraka A.Nathanael (BantuKwanza)



Dr BantuKwanza

Up-and-coming author with a keen interest in Human Behavior and Evolutionary Psychology. Author of Scammed Minds and A Century of Magic now available on Amazon.