Input and Output Devices

Banumathy Kajilainathan
2 min readJul 5, 2023


There are so many devices that contain the characteristics of both input and output. They can perform both operations as they receive data and provide results. Some of them are mentioned below.

USB Drive

USB Drive is one of the devices which perform both input and output operations as a USB Drive helps in receiving data from a device and sending it to other devices.


Modems are one of the important devices that helps in transmitting data using telephonic lines.

CD and DVD

CD and DVD are the most common device that helps in saving data from one computer in a particular format and send data to other devices which works as an input device to the computer.


The headset consists of a speaker and microphone where a speaker is an output device and a microphone works as an input device.


A facsimile is a fax machine that consists of a scanner and printer, where the scanner works as an input device and the printer works as an output device.

