Substance Abuse Treatment Before the Holidays

Emily Brown
2 min readJun 16, 2023


Picture of a holiday scene

As the holidays approach, it’s important for those who are struggling with substance abuse to consider seeking professional help. During this time of year, relapse rates are much higher and that’s why it’s important to prepare. Here are a few tips to consider when seeking treatment before the Holidays:

  • Research Treatment Options: There are many different types of treatments and programs available to help those who are struggling with a substance abuse problem. It’s important to research the best programs to find one that works for you.
  • Don’t Try to Overcome Addiction Alone: It can be difficult to beat an addiction without professional help. Make sure to reach out to a substance abuse treatment program or other professionals to ensure you are getting the help that you need.
  • Be Prepared for Upcoming Stressful Times: As the holidays approach, it’s important to be prepared for potential triggering situations. Make sure to have a plan in place such as avoiding certain places, activities, or people.

By taking the time to prepare for the holidays, those struggling with substance abuse can have a better chance of staying on track with their recovery process. This article goes into further detail on how to best prepare for the holidays while dealing with substance abuse. At Banyan Treatment Centers, we are here to help those struggling with a substance abuse problem. Visit our website to learn more about how we can help you or a loved one get the help and treatment they need.

