#11 Research Scoping Table

Jacqueline Bao
1 min readMay 9, 2020


Draft your research scoping table. how easy/challenging an exercise is this?

Challenge Statement:

I, Jacqueline Bao am working with food waste and wildlife conservation groups in NYC, to help better protect urban wildlife.

HMW Statement:

How might we better protect urban wildlife by reducing the amount of food waste ending up in landfill and increasing people’s awareness in NYC?
How might we reduce food waste by developing a system of better utilizing human food in NYC?

I think even though it's just a starting-period rough research scoping table, it shows the lack of coherence of the connection between urban wildlife and human food waste. So I have to show the connection clearly and vividly, as straight as possible. Otherwise, it might be confused for interviewees to figure out what my point would be.



Jacqueline Bao

Visual Designer🖌️/ Social Designer🌍/ Researcher🤔/ Gamer🎮 Never cruel or cowardly. Never give up, never give in.