Video games to court — How Mark Alcala started his basketball career.

gypsy travels.
2 min readAug 24, 2018


Mark Alcala is a student athlete from De La Salle University. He is currently studying Business Management while playing for the Green Archers basketball team.

His basketball career started when he was still in young while he was staying in his province in Lucena. As soon as he was being recognized, the De La Salle Green Hills basketball team recruited him and he took the opportunity without hesitation.

At first, I was playing videos games. Later on I decided to play in real life and I had fun and started to love playing ball since then.

This then paved way for him to be known for his talent and it soon built a fan base for him that he was not fully aware of. He loved how they were supportive of him and his team and he gives back to them when he could in his own little ways.

“If I could give one advice to the people out there who want to pursue the dream I am living, I’d say to never give up,” he says.

Having this interview with Mark made me realize that it only takes a spark for people to start a career in anything. It is the simple joys in life that make him content, just like when he plays video games and appreciating support from friends, family, and his fans.

As humbled as he is, he does not know how he was able to influence people to follow his dream as a basketball player, but he is glad to be able to inspire people to love the sport and be one of the basketball players people would look up to.

To know more about Mark Alcala’s interview, you can click this link:

