Bartosz SzczecińskiA React job interview — recruiter perspective.Important This article is not a list of questions to expect on an interview and complete answers to them. The point of this post is to…Oct 10, 201838Oct 10, 201838
Bartosz SzczecińskiUnderstanding frontend — securityThe topic of security on the frontend part can be separated into two purposes:Sep 23, 2018Sep 23, 2018
Bartosz SzczecińskiWhat’s Server Side Rendering and do I need it?Introduction of modern JavaScript frameworks / libraries that focus on creating interactive websites or Single Page Applications the way…Sep 1, 201812Sep 1, 201812
Bartosz SzczecińskiUnderstanding React — React 16.3 + Component life-cycleThe release of 16.3 introduced some new life-cycle functions, which replace existing ones to provide better support for the new…Apr 19, 201810Apr 19, 201810
Bartosz SzczecińskiUnderstanding React “Suspense”At the stage of last conference, Dan Abramov unveiled a new feature / API for React called React Suspense. In case you missed it…Mar 7, 201813Mar 7, 201813
Bartosz SzczecińskiWhat’s new in React 16.3(.0-alpha)React 16.3-alpha just hit npmjs and can be downloaded and added to your project. What are the biggest, most interesting changes?Feb 4, 201830Feb 4, 201830
Bartosz SzczecińskiUnderstanding CORSIf you ever worked with an AJAX call, you are probably familiar with the following error displayed in browser console:Jan 27, 201819Jan 27, 201819
Bartosz SzczecińskiUnderstanding React — Component life-cycleReact provides developers with many methods or “hooks” that are called during the life-cycle of an component, which allows us to update the…Sep 6, 201728Sep 6, 201728
Bartosz SzczecińskiUnderstanding ReactJS — data hydration / initializationAt times you might want to have some information available to your application from outside sources — maybe you’re embedding your…Aug 23, 20173Aug 23, 20173
Bartosz SzczecińskiIntro to debugging ReactJS applicationsOne of the most important things a developer should learn is how to (properly) debug an application in his language of choice. Knowing that…Jul 10, 201711Jul 10, 201711