How to prepare for Data Analytics Interview?

Asmina Holmes
2 min readMar 13, 2022


This hiring season I did not get any offer, but I could get through 2 interviews (screening and onsite). Here I will provide a framework for preparation for DA Intern Interview.

In an interview for the Data Analytics role you can be asked the following types of questions:

Product Sense

In this article, we will cover these questions and resources for preparation.

1. Product Sense

This section usually does not have only one correct answer. The interviewer wants to hear your reasoning, which steps you would take to solve the problem, and why. You can be asked ‘Some metrics X dropped by Y%, how do you think why?’, or ‘How would we decide whether to deploy feature Z?’ Even though these questions don’t have one correct answer, your response must be well-structured and consistent. To succeed in this section, you can memorize some ‘frameworks’ for each type of cases.


Data Interview Pro “Cracking Metrics Interview”

StellarPeers: Solved Cases

2. SQL

Quite an easy block: the candidate is given a table and a couple of questions for SQL queries. Usually, the queries might include different types of joins, window functions, groupings, etc.


Leetcode Curated SQL 70 (Premium Subscription, absolutely worth it, you can cover all problems in less than one month)

3. Statistics

In this section, you might be asked some simple questions about mean, median, variance, type of distributions. Sometimes you can come across more difficult definitions, such as hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, etc.


KhanAcademy Statistics and Probability Course

Textbook “A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics Understanding Why and How”

DataInterview “Facebook Statistics Interview Question”

Thanks for reading, I hope this guide will be useful for your career path in Data Analytics! Drop a comment with your favorite resources for interview preparation!

