Soraix, Giga Changing of Exchanges

7 min readNov 13, 2019


Exchanges are one of the most important pillars of the the international economy in the 21st century, they are pioneers of the modern trading era and donated a new meaning to the global trading. Consequently investors and traders have welcomed them incredibly over past decade and this resulted to an increase in their numbers and a real competition among them. Nowadays number of cryptocurrency exchanges has exceeded 500 and still increasing. A detail investigation on CoinMarketCap [1] shows that more than 300 crypto exchanges are placed on this popular service and hundreds more may be found on other websites.

Increasing trend of wallet users which shows an amazing boom in cryptocurrencies [2]

Although this boom provides an occasional opportunity for crypto investors and exchanges, it also reflects serious challenges to the community members specially beginner traders. Frequent outages and trading delays, continuous attack from hackers and security issues, experience of stolen funds, and lack of policy transparency, has made users frustrated.

But recently a new name has been raised inside this great battlefield which expected to establish a Giga change and become the winning ACE of traders in the near future.

Soraix, A Modern Vision

Soraix is an equity token offering system and digital asset exchange platform that will change world of exchanges. Soraix is the world’s first trading platform where investors can obtain digital shares of companies entering the stock exchange via Equity Token Offering. This project intends to transform traditional stock exchanges by tokenizing the exchange of assets via blockchain technology, Well….you might ask why Soriax is different and why I should trust this project?

Security First

Blockchain security company CipherTrace , released latest Q2 2019 report recently, which provides an overview of the major cryptocurrency thefts, fraud and criminals netted approximately $4.26 billion for the first six months of 2019 So Far, Up From $1.7 Billion In All Of 2018.[3],[4] This policy shows that security is probably the most important benchmark for traders of crypto community, but never mind, Soraix has predicted a seamless policy in this regard.

To achieve this, project team initially decided to headquarter Soraix in Zug, Switzerland.This country is the pioneer of forward thinking regulations in all fields (including Cryptocurrencies). Swiss-based servers, engagement with Swiss financial institutions, privacy laws and world class corporate regulations will guarantee tranquility of users and investors. Also to complete this sedative trend, some other security features has considered on this platform:

✔️ 2-factor and 3-factor authentication protocols.
✔️Saving of funds in cold, offline storage at some of the most trusted Swiss financial institutions, with only a small portion of funds remaining on servers (to offer uninterrupted liquidity on Soraix platform).
✔️Soraix wallet structure will offer multi-signature security features.
✔️Soraix platform will invest generously in robust security systems virtually eliminating the risk of successful Denial Of Service attacks.
✔️IP whitelisting.
✔️Third-party security audits.
✔️Anti-Phishing Alerts.
✔️Withdrawal confirmations (via eMail/SMS).

Social Trading

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”-Michael Jordan-[5] Social trading can help traders to make minimize risks of market and to make a better performance in their deals.

✔️ Engaging Leaderboard : Users are able to find and monitor most successful traders, along with details about their investment portfolios.
✔️ Social trading: users will have the ability to copy trades (portfolios) of anyone on the platform who’s portfolio (trading activity) are set to public.
✔️ Communication: Users will have the ability to communicate with anyone else on the platform to find best trading policy.

Need for Speed

Surely speed does matters when you are dealing with probably fastest eco-system all around the world, here we deal with micro-seconds not milli-seconds; and amazing faster level higher than standards of formula 1. But increasing popularity of digital currencies during 2018, has increased waiting times for confirmation of transactions from 30 minutes to over 16 hours in extreme cases [6] as well as increasing number of incomplete and unfinished transactions.

Fortunately, Soraix aims to build an exclusive blockchain for the Equity Tokens traded on this exchange. Equity Tokens created and traded on Soraix will based on specific blockchain, resulting in an unprecedented trade execution time, transaction integrity, and public transparency. By offering the largest pool of exchangeable assets (ranging from crypto currencies, to equity tokens, digital securities- and a range of others (to be announced in Q4 of 2019)), Soraix will offer greater stability and diversification options for members of community.


✔️Soraix intends to cover all of nations around the world; therefore platform will be presented in all of major languages (English,Japanese, Korean, French, Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese), German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Polish) at first release and additional languages will be added in next editions.

✔️Crypto currencies, fiat, equity tokens, and other digital assets will be exchangeable against each other on the Soraix exchange.

✔️ Soraix will be able to deposit and withdraw a wide range of fiat and digital currencies.

✔️Soraix will be a web-based trading platform, accessible on all major devices and Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, IOS), as well as mobile devices running IOS, and Android. Also a native mobile app will be released on Q1, 2020.

Revenue Model

Soraix has considered a creative model of revenue sharing for all of SRX token holders in this platform.(SRX is exclusive token of this project which will be explained on next paragraph). Investors and traders could obtain SRX tokens during ICO phase which will be equal to 1:1 peg to EQUITY tokens. This equity tokens will be emitted by companies which intend to increase their capital on this platform.(referred as ETO or Equity Token Offering) To achieve this, they should send some small part of equity tokens to Soraix as part of ETO listing fee. Subsequently that part of equity tokens, could be traded against the SRX token using a direct 1:1 exchange, so the demand for the SRX token will remain alive and growing.

As an example please imagine that ABC company which exists on Soraix platform, is listed on NASDAQ exchange with a value of $188 per share. It will also be traded on the Soraix platform at $188. However, as noted before, some part of these Equity Tokens will be available to be exchanged for the SRX Token, on a 1:1 basis, even if the SRX Token at that moment is worth only $10. Based on this procedure, the SRX token holder would essentially be able to purchase an equity token traded at $188, for just $10. Wow!! Amazing??

Tokens of Project

SRX tokens designed by the Soraix team based on the ETH blockchain and the ERC-20 standard under jurisdictions of the Swiss; Consequently they are fully compatible with all of ETH wallets and Exchanges. A total of 1 billion tokens has been considered for this project, which 60% of them are available for sale, other portions of tokens will be distributed as follows :


✔️ Price: 0.0025 ETH
✔️ Hard Cap: $24 000 000 USD
✔️ Soft Cap: $4 500 000 USD
✔️ Total Available : (60%) 600 000 000




Long story short , detailed technical analysis shows that “Soraix” could be a trustable option for future investment and could guarantee future success of professional and retail traders , therefore highly recommended to participate on this valuable project and enjoy this profitable contribution.

Further data about “Soraix” project could be found via below links :

Telegram :
My BitcoinTalk profile link :;u=2520929



