The Brunt of G20 2023 in India

Baranidharan S
5 min readSep 12, 2023


India’s G20 presidency in 2023 was a landmark event for the country, and it was widely seen as a success. However, the summit was also met with a great deal of criticism, particularly from civil society groups and activists. These groups argued that the summit was a distraction from the country’s many pressing problems, and that it would only serve to benefit the wealthy and powerful.

One of the biggest criticisms of the G20 summit was that it was too expensive. The Indian government reportedly spent over $1 billion on the event, including on security, infrastructure, and hospitality. This was at a time when millions of Indians were struggling to make ends meet due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the rising cost of living.

Another major criticism was that the summit was exclusive and undemocratic. The G20 is a forum for the leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies, and it has no formal representation from civil society groups or other stakeholders. This means that the voices of the poor and marginalized were largely absent from the discussions.

In addition, the G20 summit was criticized for its focus on economic growth at the expense of social and environmental justice. The summit’s agenda was largely dictated by the interests of multinational corporations, and it failed to address many of the world’s most pressing problems, such as climate change, poverty, and inequality.

Despite these criticisms, the Indian government defended the G20 summit, arguing that it was a valuable opportunity to showcase the country to the world and to promote India’s global interests. However, it is clear that the summit came at a significant cost to the Indian people, both financially and socially.

The Impact of the G20 Summit on Ordinary Indians

The G20 summit had a significant impact on ordinary Indians, both positive and negative. On the positive side, the summit led to a boost in tourism and economic activity in New Delhi and other cities where events were held. The government also invested in infrastructure improvements, such as new roads and metro lines, which will benefit residents long after the summit is over.

However, the summit also had a number of negative impacts on ordinary Indians. The most significant of these was the increased security measures that were put in place. Large areas of the city were cordoned off, and residents were subjected to strict checks and searches. This made it difficult for people to go about their daily lives, and it created a sense of fear and anxiety. The summit also led to a number of human rights abuses. Hundreds of people, including homeless people and street vendors, were rounded up and detained in the lead-up to the summit. Some of these people were reportedly beaten and tortured.

The Response of Civil Society Groups

Civil society groups and activists were highly critical of the G20 summit. They argued that the summit was a distraction from the country’s many pressing problems, and that it would only serve to benefit the wealthy and powerful. They also criticized the government’s heavy spending on the summit, and the increased security measures that were put in place.

In the lead-up to the summit, civil society groups organized a number of protests and demonstrations. They also launched campaigns to raise awareness about the negative impacts of the summit on ordinary Indians.


The G20 summit was a major event for India, but it was also met with a great deal of criticism. Civil society groups argued that the summit was too expensive, exclusive, and undemocratic. They also criticized its focus on economic growth at the expense of social and environmental justice.

Despite these criticisms, the Indian government defended the G20 summit, arguing that it was a valuable opportunity to showcase the country to the world and to promote India’s global interests. However, it is clear that the summit came at a significant cost to the Indian people, both financially and socially.

The Brunt of the G20 Summit on Women and Marginalized Groups

Women and marginalized groups were disproportionately affected by the negative impacts of the G20 summit. Homeless women and sex workers were particularly targeted by the police in the lead-up to the summit. Many of these women were rounded up and detained, and some were reportedly beaten and tortured. The summit also had a negative impact on the environment. The government’s heavy spending on the summit led to an increase in pollution and waste. The construction of new infrastructure projects also displaced many people, including indigenous communities.


The following recommendations are made to mitigate the negative impacts of future G20 summits:

  • The G20 should be more inclusive and democratic. Civil society groups and other stakeholders should be given a formal role in the G20 process, so that their voices can be heard in the discussions.
  • The G20 should focus on social and environmental justice, as well as economic growth. The G20’s agenda should be set in consultation with civil society groups and other stakeholders, and it should reflect the concerns of the poor and marginalized.
  • The G20 should be more transparent and accountable. The G20 should disclose more information about its activities, and it should be held accountable for its decisions.
  • The G20 should be more sustainable. The G20 should minimize the environmental impact of its meetings and events.

In addition to the above recommendations, the following specific measures could be taken to reduce the negative impact of future G20 summits on women and marginalized groups:

  • Conduct a gender and social impact assessment of all G20-related projects and activities. This would help to identify and mitigate potential negative impacts on women and marginalized groups.
  • Develop a gender and social action plan for all G20-related projects and activities. This plan should include measures to promote gender equality and social inclusion, such as ensuring that women and marginalized groups are represented in the workforce and that they have access to the benefits of G20-related investments.
  • Work with civil society groups and other stakeholders to develop and implement the gender and social action plan. This would help to ensure that the plan is effective and that it meets the needs of women and marginalized groups.

It is also important to note that the G20 is just one of many international forums where global economic and political decisions are made. It is important to ensure that all of these forums are more inclusive and democratic, and that they focus on social and environmental justice, as well as economic growth.



Baranidharan S

Myself, Dr. S. Baranidharan, Specialization in Finance, working as Professor (Assistant), School of Business and Management, Christ University, Bangalore.