The Unresolved Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Complex Web of Factors

Baranidharan S
2 min readNov 9, 2023



The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has persisted for decades, causing immense human suffering and geopolitical instability in the region. Despite various attempts at resolution, the conflict remains unresolved, prompting questions about the apparent lack of decisive international action. This report explores the multifaceted reasons behind the enduring conflict and examines why global political leaders may be hesitant to take decisive actions.

Historical Context

The roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be traced back to the late 19th century, with the establishment of the Zionist movement and the subsequent creation of the State of Israel in 1948. The clash of nationalistic aspirations, historical grievances, and competing claims to the same territory has fueled the ongoing tension.

Complexity of the Conflict

Several factors contribute to the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, making resolution a challenging task. These factors include:

  1. Territorial Disputes: The question of borders and the status of Jerusalem and other contested territories remain major stumbling blocks to peace negotiations.
  2. Refugees: The issue of Palestinian refugees displaced during the establishment of Israel remains a point of contention, with both sides holding firm positions.
  3. Security Concerns: Israel cites security concerns as a primary reason for its military presence in the West Bank and blockade of Gaza, while Palestinians argue that these measures exacerbate the conflict.
  4. Religious and Cultural Differences: The conflict is intertwined with deeply rooted religious and cultural identities, making compromise difficult.

Global Political Dynamics

The international community has struggled to find a unified approach to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Several factors contribute to the reluctance of global political leaders to take decisive action:

  1. Geopolitical Interests: Some nations may prioritise their geopolitical interests over humanitarian concerns, leading to a lack of collective action.
  2. Regional Alliances: The complex web of alliances and enmities in the Middle East often hinders coordinated efforts to address the conflict.
  3. Fear of Escalation: The fear of exacerbating tensions or triggering a wider regional conflict may lead to caution among political leaders.
  4. Domestic Pressures: Leaders may face domestic pressures that limit their ability to take bold stances on the conflict, especially when public opinion is divided.

Ultimate Outcome

The continued stalemate in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict poses risks for regional stability and global security. The lack of a resolution perpetuates human suffering, undermines trust, and provides fertile ground for extremism. A sustainable solution requires concerted efforts from the international community, including diplomatic initiatives, dialogue, and a commitment to addressing the root causes of the conflict.


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains a deeply entrenched and complex issue with no easy solutions. While global political leaders face challenges in navigating the intricate geopolitical landscape, concerted efforts are essential to achieving a lasting and just resolution. The ultimate outcome will depend on the willingness of the international community to address the root causes of the conflict and work towards a comprehensive and equitable solution.



Baranidharan S

Myself, Dr. S. Baranidharan, Specialization in Finance, working as Professor (Assistant), School of Business and Management, Christ University, Bangalore.