Lessons from the Life of Sergey Galitsky for Entrepreneurs

Baran Serhat Özer
3 min readJun 13, 2023


In the sweeping realm of business, few figures have displayed resilience and innovation quite like Sergey Galitsky. Born in 1967 in Lazarevskoye, Russia, Galitsky demonstrated his inherent business acumen early on. He graduated from Kuban State University, and shortly after, launched his entrepreneurial journey with a humble start in the wholesale cosmetics business.

His life took a decisive turn in 1998 when he co-founded Tander, a company that would later evolve into Magnit, Russia’s largest food retail chain. Despite the chaos following the Russian financial crisis, Galitsky managed to sustain and grow his business. This was one of his life’s pivotal moments that not only shaped his career but also stood as an important lesson for aspiring entrepreneurs — resilience and the ability to adapt are key components of success.

Under Galitsky’s stewardship, Magnit grew exponentially. By 2006, it had become one of the largest retail chains in Russia, eventually surpassing every competitor. What set Galitsky apart was his relentless pursuit of operational efficiency and the use of cutting-edge technology. He was not averse to taking calculated risks, an aspect that is palpable in his decision to incorporate data-driven strategies into the company’s operations. Galitsky’s willingness to embrace innovation and adapt to changing times, even when it seemed risky, became an essential lesson for entrepreneurs seeking to remain competitive.

Despite the growth and success, Galitsky’s journey wasn’t without its tribulations. In 2018, he sold most of his stake in Magnit to VTB Bank, stepping down as CEO. This move surprised many, but it illustrated another important entrepreneurial lesson: Knowing when to move on. Galitsky recognized that his vision for Magnit differed from its future direction. His decision to step away is a valuable lesson in understanding and accepting the limitations of personal control in business.

Following his exit from Magnit, Galitsky’s love for soccer led him to channel his energy into Krasnodar FC. He built a world-class football stadium and a sports academy, investing heavily in the infrastructure and grassroots development of football in the Krasnodar region. His dedication to soccer stands as a testament to his belief in doing what he loves, echoing a vital message for entrepreneurs — passion is a powerful driver for success.

Galitsky’s decision to build a football academy also signifies his commitment to giving back to society. This mirrors his belief in creating value not just for oneself, but for the community at large. His philanthropy efforts also extend to the arts, with the establishment of the Galitsky Park and Museum in Krasnodar.

So, what can entrepreneurs learn from Sergey Galitsky’s story? Resilience in the face of adversity, the courage to innovate, the wisdom to recognize when it’s time to move on, the power of passion, and the importance of giving back. His life and career showcase these qualities in abundance.

Galitsky’s journey is more than a tale of business success. It’s a study of character, showing how personal qualities, vision, and resilience can drive a journey from a small cosmetics wholesaler to the helm of a retail giant. He embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship — a character marked by resilience, innovation, and the courage to follow his passions.

Sergey Galitsky’s life is not just a story of a business magnate. It’s an entrepreneur’s handbook, a treasure trove of lessons for those daring to dream and turn their vision into reality. His decisions, successes, and even his failures, serve as valuable learning experiences for future business leaders. Galitsky’s story ultimately teaches that the spirit of entrepreneurship is about much more than making money. It’s about vision, resilience, and the willingness to take risks to change the world for the better.

