The Maverick of Mahindra: Anand Mahindra’s Unconventional Path to Global Success

Baran Serhat Özer
4 min readNov 4, 2023

As the morning sun painted a golden hue across the sprawling Mumbai skyline, one man stood silhouetted against the burgeoning light — a man whose story is stitched into the very fabric of India’s march towards economic supremacy. This is the tale of Anand Mahindra, a visionary whose life is a testament to the power of resilience, innovation, and sheer grit.

Anand Mahindra, born into the prominent Mahindra family, could have easily nestled into the comforts of his lineage. Instead, he chose to carve out his destiny with the chisel of ambition and the hammer of hard work. His journey is not just one of inheriting a legacy, but of reinventing it.

Educated at Harvard University, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude in Film Studies and Humanities, Anand’s first pivot into the family business wasn’t through the expected route of management but through the less trodden path of filmmaking. This artistic endeavor was not mere dalliance but a foundational experience that honed his ability to tell compelling stories — a skill that would later become instrumental in branding the Mahindra Group on a global stage.

Returning to India, he dived into the family trade. His initiation at Mahindra Ugine Steel Company schooled him in the nuances of the industry. The steel sector, however, was just the crucible. His aspirations lay in transforming the Mahindra Group into a global conglomerate. Through his tenure, Anand demonstrated a keen understanding that successful businesses are not just about products or services, but about the value they create for society.

Failure, which many would shirk from discussing, was not a stranger to Anand. The automotive arm of Mahindra, under his leadership, once made a bold foray into the American market with a compact diesel pickup. The venture stumbled, entangled in lawsuits and fraught with certification hurdles. It was a public setback, but Anand took it in stride, viewing it as a lesson rather than a loss. He believed that failures are mere stepping stones to success and advocated for the philosophy that “if you don’t fail, you haven’t tried hard enough.”

Entrepreneurs reading his story might note that Anand’s approach to business has always been infused with a certain fearlessness in decision-making. He led the acquisition of several companies, including the South Korean automotive giant SsangYong Motor Company. Although the acquisition saw rough patches, it was a calculated risk that eventually placed Mahindra on the international map as a serious player in the automotive industry.

What truly sets Anand Mahindra apart is his intuitive understanding of change. When the global financial crisis loomed, he saw not just challenges but opportunities. Under his stewardship, the Group diversified into new industries such as aerospace, agribusiness, and hospitality. He spearheaded the movement towards sustainability with initiatives like ‘Mahindra Rise’ — a clarion call for empowering communities and driving positive change.

Anand’s decisions have not always been met with applause; some have created rifts, even controversy. His firm stance on maintaining ethical integrity, for instance, led to a rigorous restructuring of corporate governance, which, while ruffling feathers, established the Group’s reputation as a paragon of corporate ethics.

A pivotal lesson from Anand Mahindra’s journey for entrepreneurs is his nuanced balance between risk and caution. When the Mahindra Group eyed the electric vehicle space, Anand’s prescience became evident. Investing in Reva Electric Car Company at a time when electric vehicles (EVs) were more a novelty than a necessity showed foresight. He predicted the EV revolution long before it became mainstream, placing Mahindra as a frontrunner in the sustainable mobility space.

His foray into the digital world with ‘Tech Mahindra’ has been another highlight, showcasing his ability to pivot and adapt to the changing technological landscape. This venture, too, had its own set of challenges but has emerged as a formidable force in the IT sector.

For those walking the tightrope of business, Anand Mahindra stands as an exemplar of how to blend traditional business acumen with modern, global sensibilities. He is a leader who has embraced social media to connect with customers and critics alike, displaying a rare combination of openness and adaptability.

Anand Mahindra’s story is a clarion call to the dreamers and the doers, to those who dare to envision a better world. His life underscores the belief that with the right mix of audacity and pragmatism, every challenge is surmountable, every failure is a lesson, and every success, a humble milestone in the long journey of impact and innovation.

Join us as we unfold the layers of Anand Mahindra’s remarkable odyssey — a chronicle of defeats turned to victories, of foresights turned to legacies, and of one man’s unwavering commitment to rise above the ordinary. It’s a narrative that doesn’t just inspire but ignites a fire within to pursue the path less traveled with courage and conviction.

