How Does CBD Feel like? Did I feel high?

CBD Society
4 min readMay 28, 2019


With all the hype surrounding it and how popular it’s becoming, CBD can be found pretty much everywhere.

How does CBD feel like?

This is thanks to its relaxing effects and ability to enhance recovery as it can act as an anti-inflammatory substance and a painkiller.

And since I had the chance to experience with CBD lately, I’ve decided to share this experience with others who may be curious as to what CBD is, what it feels like, and how to use it.

What is CBD?

CBD is a type of cannabinoid derived from cannabis. It can be found in both marijuana and hemp plants. You can read more about the subject “What is CBD” but clicking the link.

How do you know that CBD kicked in?

There isn’t a definite answer to this, but you shouldn’t think of CBD as caffeine or alcohol in terms of being able to tell when their effects have begun to show.

Rather, it works in two ways. Like a painkiller. It didn’t immediately soothe my anxiety, but gradually reduced it until 20–30 minutes later, I felt absolutely relaxed.

And it also works like multivitamins and supplements. I didn’t feel a spike but rather a steady improvement in many areas of my life –especially my anxiety and my sleep.

Health benefits of taking CBD

· Improving sleep

Before I started using CBD, I struggled with staying asleep.

Around 30 mg of CBD before bed, however, makes me feel very comfortable and cozy.

I’d start reading my book and before 30 minutes have passed by, I’d be passing out.

On top of that, I hardly ever woke up in the middle of the night. I started getting a solid 8 hours of sleep and waking up rejuvenated.

A study was done to evaluate the effectiveness of CBD in terms of sleep, and the result is as relaxing as the cannabinoid.

· Reduce anxiety

I was very happy with how CBD reduced my stress levels and constant anxiety. But I was also quite curious as to how it can do that.

A number of studies were done to assess the effect of CBD on anxiety, and the answer lies in the hormone “cortisol”.

This hormone is responsible for our stress and fight-or-flight response.

While this may have been very important to survive in the wild back in the hunting days, a fight-or-flight response isn’t as effective in the face of a work meeting.

And that’s what CBD does. It regulates the cortisol levels in the blood to reduce stress.

· Reduces soreness in the muscles

I try my best to keep an active lifestyle. However, maintaining it can be harder than it was in my 20s as my muscles can get sore quicker and for longer periods of time.

CBD has been an absolute savior for me in this area as it simply helps my body in its recovery mode.

With CBD, it takes me less than usual to get back to my workouts without feeling like I have a cast on my body.

Other health benefits include:

· Stabilizing blood sugar

Having stable levels of blood sugar means better health for your heart and liver.

CBD has been proven to maintain healthy levels of blood sugar in the bloodstream of diabetic people.

Treatment of seizures and epilepsy

Epidolex was the first CBD-based medication to be approved by the FDA.

It proved to drop the frequency of seizures up to 44 percent.

Additionally, it’s an effective method of treating refractory epilepsy.

How long do the effects of CBD last?

Some more research needs to be done to get a more accurate estimate of the half-life of CBD.

Generally, it takes around 4–5 days for CBD to completely wear off and leave no traces.

But it greatly depends on the method you use to take in your CBD –oil being the fastest to wear off.

Of course, it also depends on the dosage.

Is there something as taking “too much” CBD?

Not exactly. Since CBD isn’t a toxic substance, you can’t overdose on it.

However, you can take too much CBD for your system to ingest. This can lead to some side effects including diarrhea, headaches, and changes in appetite and weight.

Are there any side effects on your health?

Generally, CBD is a very safe method to deal with chronic physical pain, anxiety, and stress.

The worst case scenario would be getting a headache or feeling a little drowsy when your body is still getting used to the new substance.

However, it may interfere with a number of medications. So if you’re on any type of medication, I’d suggest consulting a health professional first.

How does CBD interact with the body?

Our bodies have an endocannabinoid system which is responsible for maintaining homeostasis –the neutral state of the body- for many things including mood, sleep, pain, appetite, anxiety, and immune response.

Final Thoughts

Even though sufficient scientific research hasn’t been done to guarantee or disprove the effects of CBD, the science community doesn’t deny the effectiveness of the cannabinoid to treat numerous symptoms –both physically and psychologically.

There are many ways in which you can take CBD and it takes a lot of experimenting to figure out which one is the best for you and at which dosage.

If you had any concerns about using CBD, this article should put your mind at ease. Go ahead and experiment!

