More Than I Was Ready to Deal With

My subconscious took it a little too far

Barbara Carter
5 min readNov 9, 2022


“Coming Out” fabric art by Barbara Carter Feb. 1988, 22x23 inches. Photo by Barbara Carter

I tried something different this time by setting out to tell a story about a family I knew growing up.

In the background, I planned to have the home the family lived in. A home more like a shack where the windows sat lopsided, windows broken or covered with boards.

My mother had looked after this woman’s children and had become friends with her. It had been the first time I had witnessed such poverty and hardship up close.

I chose a photo of my father for the male image. Drawn in by the body position, the stance. I put a bottle in his hand. The man wore clothes, including shoes. He held all the power.

photo of my father used for the male image in the artwork “Coming Out”

Searching through my photo album, I found a picture to represent the mother weighed down with responsibility. Her arms filled with all she had to try and deal with.

Coincidentally, the woman in the photo was the woman I was telling the story about. She’d been with my mother visiting my home when she’d posed for a picture with my three children.



Barbara Carter

Memoir. Life Lessons. Creativity. Art. Healing. Relationships. Books.