How to better your health through the regular use of RIFE frequencies?

Barbara Craig
5 min readNov 16, 2018



For anyone who does not know me, hello and welcome to my very first Medium article on here. I am Barbara and I did a Bachelors Music degree specializing in Composition and Technology back in 2003 —which was the year I graduated from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

Over the past few years, I have looked at how music can improve our overall health even therapeutically. I studied Music Therapy as one of my subjects in college. The aim of this article is to briefly investigate how I suspect lately that there is perhaps a co-relation between our bodies and sound wave-forms such as the sine wave. I want to give my views about this and cite some big influences, if I may.

After all, our bodies are rarely 100% quiet. They naturally make sounds or omit sounds which makes me think about the studies and original work that was made by Royal Rife back in the US. in the 1930’s. For anyone who does not know who Royal Rife was — he is apparently the first man known to have cured cancer.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. This picture (with thanks to Dr. John Bergman) shows T-cells attacking a cancer cell. According to Dr. Bergman, cancer is not genetic.

Fig. 1: This image shows T-cells attacking a cancer cell — image credit given to Dr. John Bergman

My own story

I first got diagnosed with skin cancer with a stage 1a on my right knee and had to get it surgically biopsied and removed in the local hospital. I thankfully caught it in time but since then I have annual check-ups and sometimes 3–4 month check-ups of the skin. Since that one scare, I have been investigating possible cures for cancer. I am now thankfully in remission after having to get a wide local excision to free myself of the cancer that had invaded my right knee. I still don’t feel totally “free” of it either. Its a constant watch that I don’t get a re-occurrence in the scar tissue!

What I have come to realize is that “cancer” cells are nothing more than old cells that haven’t been recycled yet. So you’re probably wondering why certain people develop cancer. People develop cancer either from a toxic diet/lifestyle/environment or from a deficiency of nutrients needed to support the normal process of creating new cells.

If we have a plant based diet — and eat foods that are alkaline and have a pH of 7 and above and if we cut a lot of the acidic foods in our diets out then perhaps we can prevent cancer from occurring in the first place. Perhaps I ate too much pizza back then (which is acidic, approximate pH of 3.) I wish I knew all of this information back in 2015 when I first got diagnosed so I am writing this article to make people aware and to help them too to better their health.

Health Influences that I love

In addition to Rife, one of my favorite health pieces that I have read about comes from both Dr. John Bergman and also Gerson Therapy.

Gerson Therapy have also been curing cancer for over 70 years. Their method is simple, flood the body with nutrients, strengthen the immune system, and detox the body. The therapy lasts for at least 1 or 2 weeks at their clinic but you can also do it from the comfort of your home. Their therapy involves juicing every single day throughout the day, doing regular hydro-colonics and coffee enemas which draw out toxins from the body.

If you get their book, it goes into great detail on what exactly to juice everyday throughout the day. Their book is wonderfully precise and can be found here:

Anyway, back to what I was originally saying above, I wonder though if there is a connection between the sine wave and cancer. After all, Rife already developed the radio-frequencies back in the 1930's which you can now find on the Spooky2 channel on YouTube here: : Cancer Rife Frequencies

Royal Rife found that frequencies can reverse serious medical conditions and not just cancer either — many other illnesses too, even depression. Depression Frequencies

Using these frequencies he is said to have restored full health to many people.

Apparently literature states that you must drink at least a litre of water after using these RIFE frequencies each time in order to free yourself from whatever illness it is that you have that he has frequencies for.

A bit about the history

In 1934, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical Research Committee to bring terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to Rife’s San Diego Laboratory and clinic for treatment. The team included doctors and pathologists assigned to examine the patients — if still alive — in 90 days.

The diseased people were exposed to the exact same RIFE frequencies that had been seen through the microscope to destroy the virus causing their illness. Treatments lasted only three minutes. The person would wait three days before another exposure. This gave the lymph system time to cleanse the dead virus from their bodies. Unlike the chemotherapy treatments currently in use, Rife’s therapy was 100 percent effective and engendered no adverse symptoms. One should also note it wasn’t painful to be treated.

After the 90 days of treatment, the Committee concluded that 14 of the 16 patients had been completely cured. The treatment was then adjusted. This did the trick. Within the next four weeks, the two remaining patients also responded. That meant the total recovery rate using Rife’s technology was 100%. Using the instrument, all sixteen people were cured of cancer.

Everything was very much on the up and up. Sworn affidavits and medical experts testified to the complete remission of “hopeless” cases within four to six weeks. Every patient treated by Rife’s Frequency Instrument — as he called it — was cured sooner or later with no adverse side affects.


To conclude, is it possible to eventually free ourselves from serious illnesses if we adopt healthier habits such as having an alkaline plant-based type of diet (or GERSON diet), have good habits like supplementation (taking magnesium — to free ourselves from being minerally deficient, take B, C and D vitamins in order to boost our immune system) and listen to RIFE frequencies, taking in one litre of water right after tuning in to the appropriate frequency /sine wave— we can simply go on to YouTube and find the right RIFE frequency for whatever health problem it is that we have so that we can naturally and gradually free ourselves completely from diseases like cancer and depression.

Could the RIFE radio frequencies produced by these sine waves help to completely restore our bodies back to normal providing we follow this type of a health plan properly, get adequate rest, juice every day and live as stress-free lifestyles as much as possible??



Barbara Craig

Mother of 5 | writer (on Medium) | personal site: | | Inspiring others to do and be their best every day!