Public Enemy Fox News
Rupert Murdoch has admitted that Fox News’ 2020 election “fraud” claims were indeed a fraud. Rupert and his loyal Fox frauds were happy to perpetuate those lies. Now Murdoch says, gee, maybe we shouldn’t have, but we did. Serial liar Alex Jones proudly did his part. People died. Our constitutional republic almost went down with them.
And Fox continues to lie about the lies.
Fox’s favorite half of the population are those who have trouble discerning facts from fact-free propaganda. “I love the uneducated!” said the Son of Christ, convicted felon, admitted sexual predator, lifelong con artist and fearless leader of the republican party.
Indeed they do love themselves some uneducated rabble. Even in the face of mountains of evidence debunking much of their reporting, the Fox sleeps well at night. Secure in its certainty that viewers will believe whatever is feed to them. Easy peasy.
And so they fell for it. Viewers could have asked the other half of the population. We would have explained it. We’d be happy to provide the evidence and facts. Any time. We’re here for them.
But that one half of the US population, they prefer whatever Fox is serving.
Fox News was launched on October 7, 1996. Murdoch, its founder, and CEO Roger Ailes never intended to report facts or news. Fox was…