Barbara Santini
2 min readFeb 21, 2022



How to Manage Anxiety Symptoms

Open your mind

Taking some time out. By out I mean meditate, practice yoga, get a massage, listen to music, or use other relaxing techniques that work for you. Important is to clear your mind which would lower your anxiety level.

Identify your triggers

Check on your anxiety patterns and identify the top causatives of your anxiety situations. Knowing your triggers helps you combat the panic, fear, or anxiety symptoms when it attacks you. Identifying the triggers allows you to manage and avoid situations or exposures that can lead to an anxiety attack.

Apply the use of aromatherapy

Aromatherapy helps the body and mind relax by releasing hormones and chemicals that activate calm moods. Aromatherapy can be done by burning scent candles.

Write down the troubling thoughts.

Listing your thoughts that create the anxious state relieves your brain of the daunting burden. Anxiety can be due to multiple causes. Clearing the head makes you more relaxed and eases anxiety levels.

Engage in deep breathing

This technique applies when looking to reduce your anxiety quickly. Practicing deep breathing slows down the heart rate and calms your entire body system. Apply the 4–7–8 technique.

Implement the cognitive behavioral therapy

CBT- cognitive behavioral therapy helps patients learn new thinking and decision-making ways that will help fight the negative anxiety thoughts and patterns.



Barbara Santini

Psychologist, sex and relationships adviser and freelance writer based in London. Regular coffee shop habitant. Typical Sunday is brunching myself back to life!