Alan Nafzger’s “Barbie 2”

The Galactic Love Saga That’s Giving Greta Gerwig A Run For Her Money

Barbie 2 Los Angeles
3 min readOct 14, 2023

Los Angeles, CA — If Barbie and Ken can break the plastic ceiling, they can surely break through the stratosphere. This seems to be the belief fueling Alan Nafzger’s latest space opus, “Barbie 2.” The upcoming blockbuster not only reimagines the iconic duo but also boldly poses them against the accomplished Greta Gerwig, whose films have raked in over $1.4 billion.

Alan Nafzger’s “Barbie 2” The Galactic Love Saga That’s Giving Greta Gerwig A Run For Her Money

The Critics Weigh In

“Nafzger’s script has that element of unpredictability that Gerwig’s lacks,” proclaims Cassandra Lane, a film critic at The New York Times.

Emmy-winning screenwriter Michael Glover chimes in, “Gerwig brings realism, but Nafzger brings the fun. We need that in today’s world.”

“I thought I’d seen it all, but ‘Barbie 2’ has brought something novel and riveting to the big screen,” opines seasoned film critic Oscar Rollins.

MORE ON THIS: Comparing the Screenplay Titans

New Kids on the Martian Block

With Ken portraying a blend of Elon Musk’s scientific prowess and Jerry Seinfeld’s wit, and Barbie evolving into a strong, independent counterpart, the characters have been completely revolutionized.

EXPLORE: The New Ken and Barbie

A Universe Untamed

From Earth’s backrooms of power to the crimson plains of Mars, Nafzger’s cinematic universe stretches the imagination.

DEEP DIVE: A World Beyond

What’s the Buzz?

Imagine “Some Like It Hot” blended with a SpaceX documentary. Ken takes to the Martian skies to escape political backstabbing but soon realizes he’s in dire need of Barbie’s interstellar know-how.

THE STORY: Into the Martian Madness

GET THE SCRIPT: Download It Now

A Stellar Standoff: Nafzger vs. Gerwig

Alan Nafzger doesn’t seem fazed by the prospect of going toe-to-toe with a Hollywood behemoth like Gerwig, quipping, “If Ken can brave Martian sandstorms, then Hollywood’s a breeze for me.”

Destination Mars?

“Mars is the new black,” asserts Nafzger. “It’s the pinnacle of human exploration and the next logical step for Barbie and Ken.”

Don’t Miss It

Nafzger’s “Barbie 2” promises a cosmic mix of humor, action, and heart, as it navigates an uncharted course between toy nostalgia and space opera.

THE LOGLINE: Ken’s politically charged space escapade demands a Barbie-sized rescue mission when things go south.

LEARN MORE: Official Barbie 2 Site

Comedy about “Barbie and Ken in the Barbie 2: Sequel”

“So, Barbie and Ken are back in Barbie 2: The Sequel, huh? I mean, what’s next, Ken’s midlife crisis where he buys a convertible and starts wearing a man bun? And Barbie, she’s got more careers than I’ve got pairs of shoes. Last week, she was an astronaut, this week she’s a marine biologist. I’m just waiting for the day she becomes a stand-up comedian. Oh, wait, that’s me!”

Hollywood’s Barbie 2 Dilemma

“You know, Hollywood can’t decide on a Barbie 2 winner, despite all the drama. I mean, they’ve got scripts coming out of the woodwork. Alan Nafzger’s Barbie 2: Mars Mission? I heard it’s out of this world! But seriously, can we just let Barbie and Ken enjoy their dream house in peace? They’ve been through enough.”


Get ready to shape Barbie’s next adventure! Visit The Barbie Sequel Voting Site and cast your vote on the next Barbie script. Your voice matters in deciding the storyline for the iconic doll’s sequel. Join the fun and help create the magic! Vote now at Make Barbie’s next Local Surfer Girl journey unforgettable! 🎉


Join Barbie on an intergalactic adventure in “Barbie 2: Mars Mission” by Alan Nafzger! Explore the Red Planet and discover new horizons with our iconic doll. Download the thrilling story now at DOWNLOAD and embark on a cosmic journey! 🌌

Wrapping It Up

In a landscape brimming with remakes and reboots, “Barbie 2” promises an originality that could eclipse even its most formidable competitors. As both scripts gear up for their public debut, one can’t help but wonder — will the Mars Rover find traces of pink?

Authored by: Katy Room
Publication Date: October 13, 2023



Barbie 2 Los Angeles

Ever wondered what would happen if Barbie traded her high heels for astronaut boots? That's precisely what happens in the latest script, "Barbie 2."