Barbie 2 — Inhaling Parasailing

Ken Needs Barbie

Barbie 2 Los Angeles
5 min readOct 14, 2023

Under the scorching sun, Ken and Barbie found themselves at the beach, their eyes fixated on the colorful parasails dancing in the breeze. Excitement bubbled within them as they decided to embark on a thrilling parasailing adventure.

Barbie Sequel — Inhaling Parasailing


Get ready to shape Barbie’s next adventure! Visit The Barbie Sequel Voting Site and cast your vote on the next Barbie script. Your voice matters in deciding the storyline for the iconic doll’s sequel. Join the fun and help create the magic! Vote now at Make Barbie’s next Local Surfer Girl journey unforgettable!


Join Barbie on an intergalactic adventure in “Barbie 2: Mars Mission” by Alan Nafzger! Explore the Red Planet and discover new horizons with our iconic doll. Download the thrilling story now at DOWNLOAD and embark on a cosmic journey!

“You ready to soar high, Barbie?” Ken asked, his enthusiasm contagious.

Barbie grinned, “Absolutely! Let’s take flight and touch the sky, Ken!”

They donned their harnesses and helmets, getting ready for their parasailing experience. As they were lifted into the air, a feeling of weightlessness washed over them, and they couldn’t help but feel like they were floating on a cloud.

“This is incredible!” Barbie shouted, her voice filled with awe.

Ken nodded, “I feel like a soaring superhero up here!”

As they glided through the air, Barbie spotted a group of seagulls soaring alongside them. “Look, Ken! We’ve got some feathered friends joining our aerial escapade!”

Ken laughed, “I guess we’re having a ‘bird’s-eye-view’ of the beach together!”

The wind whisked around them, and Barbie couldn’t help but feel a sense of freedom and adventure. “Ken, this is like a dream come true — floating in the sky with you!”

Ken smiled, “It’s like we’re in our own ‘air ballet,’ dancing among the clouds!”

As they descended back to the beach, they were greeted with cheers from the onlookers. Barbie and Ken were on cloud nine, their hearts filled with joy and laughter.

“I can’t believe we just flew like birds!” Barbie exclaimed, still exhilarated.

Ken replied, “We’ve got wings, Barbie — even if they’re attached to a parachute!”

They high-fived each other, feeling a sense of accomplishment from their sky-high adventure. It was an experience they would cherish forever.

As they strolled along the beach, hand in hand, Barbie couldn’t resist a pun, “Ken, we’re like a pair of ‘parasailing partners in crime’!”

Ken chuckled, “You got that right, Barbie! And we’re always up for more thrilling escapades together!”

Barbie’s eyes sparkled mischievously, “You know, Ken, this adventure is really ‘uplifting’ for our relationship!”

Ken couldn’t help but tease back, “I guess we’re ‘raising’ the bar on our beach vacation!”

They both burst into laughter, enjoying their playful banter. As they sat down for a break, Barbie couldn’t resist another pun, “I must say, Ken, you’re a ‘parasailing pro’!”

Ken grinned, “It’s all thanks to my ‘airborne expertise,’ Barbie!”

They shared a knowing look, knowing that their parasailing adventure had brought them even closer together. It was an experience that had lifted their spirits and filled their hearts with laughter and joy.

But their adventure wasn’t over yet! As they prepared to head back to shore, they spotted a pod of dolphins playfully jumping and splashing in the distance.

“Look, Ken! The dolphins are having their own ‘parasailing party’!” Barbie giggled.

Ken joined in the fun, “It’s a ‘dolphin air show’ just for us! They must be showing off their ‘fin-tastic’ flying skills!”

Barbie couldn’t resist one last pun, “Well, Ken, we may not have fins, but we sure know how to make a splash in the sky!”

With laughter, joy, and the promise of more thrilling escapades in the future, Ken and Barbie knew that their parasailing adventure was just the beginning of their playful and humorous journeys. They looked forward to more high-flying experiences and unforgettable moments, knowing that their love for adventure and each other would always keep them soaring. As the sun began to set, they made their way back to their beachside villa, their hearts still soaring from the incredible adventure they had just experienced together.

Barbie 2

“Barbie 2: The Galactic Getaway” — Alan Nafzger Boldly Goes Where Even Greta Gerwig Dared Not Venture

Los Angeles, CA — Alan Nafzger’s script for “Barbie 2” is challenging Hollywood norms, and even the billion-dollar legend herself, Greta Gerwig, should sit up and take notice. Unveiling a world where “Some Like it Hot” meets Elon Musk, Nafzger is flexing his storytelling muscles to portray an audacious Ken and a daring Barbie like you’ve never seen before.


Goliath Gerwig vs. David Nafzger?

It’s no secret that Greta Gerwig is a Hollywood powerhouse, directing films that have become instant classics. However, insiders are saying that Nafzger’s Barbie script brings something to the table that even Gerwig couldn’t capture.

“[Nafzger] understands the intrinsic comedy that lies within Barbie and Ken’s dynamics,” says film critic Stacey Olsen. “He’s blended high-stakes drama with laugh-out-loud moments, achieving an equilibrium that Gerwig’s version could only aspire to.”

“Nafzger is not afraid to bring a contemporary spin to these iconic characters,” adds producer Harry Walton. “He’s not playing it safe; he’s playing it smart.”

“To go head-to-head with someone as established as Gerwig takes guts,” says studio executive Linda Harmon. “But if there’s one thing that this script proves, it’s that Nafzger has the audacity to shake things up in the most delightful way.”

SOURCE: Why Nafzger’s script is better than Greta Gerwig’s

Characters: Ken & Barbie Like You’ve Never Seen

Ken is portrayed as a witty amalgam of Elon Musk and Jerry Seinfeld, armed with standup comedy prowess and an engineering degree to boot. Barbie, on the other hand, is far from a damsel in distress. Instead, she emerges as Ken’s equal and perhaps his savior in times of crisis.

SOURCE: Character Descriptions

Welcome to the Universe: It’s Not Just Malibu Anymore

This Barbie Universe is not confined to shopping malls and beach parties. We’re talking about outer space, corrupt politicians, and high-stakes intrigue. The script propels Barbie and Ken into a labyrinthine plot involving interplanetary travel and secret governmental schemes.

SOURCE: Exploring the Universe

The Plot: Barbie, We Have a Problem

Compelled by politics, Ken launches himself into a one-man space mission to Mars. Things take a turn for the worse, and suddenly, Ken needs Barbie to bail him out of this galactic fiasco. In the meantime, Barbie has her own set of problems. She’s in hiding to avoid testifying against Ken and revealing his current extraterrestrial whereabouts.

SOURCE: Synopsis of the Plot

Final Thoughts: Far More Than Just a Doll’s Tale

As Nafzger himself describes it, the script is a blend of “Some Like it Hot” meets Elon Musk with a sprinkle of cosmic tension. Whether or not you’ve grown up with Barbie and Ken, this isn’t a story you’d want to miss. Forget the Malibu beach house; it’s time to explore the galaxy.



Barbie 2 Los Angeles

Ever wondered what would happen if Barbie traded her high heels for astronaut boots? That's precisely what happens in the latest script, "Barbie 2."