Barbie 2 Unplugged

The Untold Comedy Tales from Wichita Falls Senior Center

Barbie 2 Los Angeles
5 min readOct 18, 2023
Barbie 2 Unplugged The Untold Comedy Tales from Wichita Falls Senior Center

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the most unlikely comedy show you’ll ever witness, live from the Wichita Falls Senior Center! Yeah, you heard me right! I’m your host, Barbie, and let me tell you, the only thing older than the jokes I’m about to crack is the audience in here!

For those wondering what I’m doing in Wichita Falls, let me be clear. I’m here undercover, trying to escape from… well, let’s just call it a “three-letter agency.” Not the FBI or the CIA, but you’re close — it’s the OMG. Yeah, Oh My Gosh, I can’t believe I’m doing dishes either! Source for Scene

So, let’s address the elephant in the room. People are saying I seem like I’m running from something. Running? Honey, if I was running, do you think I’d hide out in Wichita Falls? No offense, but if I wanted to run, I’d be on a runway — in Milan. But let’s be real; this place is so disconnected from the real world, even Google Maps asks for directions. More about Barbie’s location choices

But, the residents here, oh bless their hearts. They think TMZ stands for “The Medication Zone” and Vogue is a brand of denture cream. One sweet lady even asked me if Ken is my “grandson.” Yeah, because I look like I could’ve been a cover girl for “AARP Monthly.” Characters in Barbie 2

Talking about Ken, oh boy! While I’m dodging social security checks here, he’s planning to go to Mars. Mars, folks! Because clearly, Earth was too small for his ego. He says he’s compelled by politics. Honey, the only thing compelling him is the lack of Wi-Fi on Mars so he can escape my “Where are you?” texts. Ken and Barbie Universe

Ken even wants to take our dogs with him in little astronaut suits. I guess someone needs to fetch the space newspaper. The dogs are trained for space; they already go around in circles for no apparent reason! Character Insights

Ah, love in the time of interstellar travel. They say love knows no bounds. Well, I say, love better know some astrophysics if it’s going to survive on Mars. Imagine a date night on Mars; you can’t even ghost someone properly because the Wi-Fi signal is so weak. Romance that Defies Gravity

And let’s not forget the politics pushing him to go to another planet. When Ken said he wanted space in the relationship, I didn’t think he meant outer space! But seriously, what’s his campaign slogan going to be? “Make Mars Great For The First Time?” Intricate Plot Details

So here’s what I’ve learned from my time in Wichita Falls. No matter where you are — in a high-profile fashion show or a low-profile senior center, you can’t escape life’s little absurdities. And for me, whether it’s dodging paparazzi or playing bingo with Doris, it’s always an adventure. Barbie 2 Plot Released

That’s my time, Wichita Falls. Remember, you’re only as old as you feel, but according to these ID cards, some of you are ancient. Goodnight!

For more laughs and everything “Barbie 2,” don’t forget to check out our official site. And yes, Ken, if you’re reading this from Mars, send a postcard!

Katy Room Exclusive: Ken Opens Up About Love, Life, and Landing Safely on Mars

Katy Room: Hey folks, welcome to Katy Room, where today we’re going to dive into a topic that’s been on everyone’s lips recently — Barbie 2. We have a very special guest with us, Ken. Thank you for being here, Ken!

Ken: Thanks for having me, Katy. Primary Source of Information

Katy Room: Let’s dive right in. There are rumors that you’re planning a trip to Mars, and you’re leaving Barbie behind! What’s up with that?

Ken: Well, Katy, rumors tend to exaggerate. Barbie and I are stronger than ever, and she fully supports the Mars mission. The Universe of Ken and Barbie

Katy Room: So, it’s confirmed then — you’re headed to the Red Planet! How do you plan on dating while being millions of miles away?

Ken: Oh, I’ve thought about that. First off, we’ll have to rely on “Mars time” for our date nights. You know, the Martian day is about 37 minutes longer, which gives me some extra time to forget anniversaries. Characters in Barbie 2

Katy Room: Haha! Very funny, Ken! But on a serious note, how difficult is it going to be to land safely on Mars and maintain a relationship with Barbie?

Ken: Well, let’s just say, landing on Mars is like trying to maintain a perfect hairdo during a windstorm — tricky but not impossible. As for the relationship, Barbie and I have been through tougher times; we’ll use our good ol’ communicators — no Wi-Fi needed. Plot of Barbie 2

Katy Room: Sounds like an adventure! Tell us, what’s one thing you’ll miss about Barbie while you’re away?

Ken: Her sense of humor, undoubtedly. I mean, have you seen her standup routine at the Wichita Falls Senior Center? It’s hilarious! Barbie’s Standup Routine

Katy Room: Oh, I have! It’s viral on social media. Speaking of which, are you taking anything to remind you of her?

Ken: Absolutely, I’ll be taking her latest fashion line, “Galactic Chic,” designed exclusively for Mars travel! Barbie 2 Fashion

Katy Room: That’s so sweet! Now, I have to ask, what’s your take on Alan Nafzger going up against Hollywood legend Greta Gerwig for the Barbie 2 script?

Ken: You know, Alan’s a courageous guy. Taking on a $1.4 billion Hollywood legend like Greta Gerwig is no small feat. But hey, if I can plan a trip to Mars, Alan can surely give Hollywood a run for its money. Alan Nafzger’s Courage

Katy Room: Fantastic! Before we wrap up, do you have any message for your fans anxiously awaiting Barbie 2?

Ken: Stay tuned, folks. Barbie 2 is going to be an interstellar ride you won’t want to miss! Official Barbie 2 Site

Katy Room: Thank you, Ken! And for more updates and exclusive interviews, keep following Katy Room. Goodbye, everyone!

There you have it, folks — an inside look at Ken’s adventurous plans and how he’s keeping the flame alive with Barbie, even when he’s out of this world. Don’t forget to check back for more exclusive content on Barbie 2.

Barbie and Ken in the Barbie 2: Sequel

Amy Schumer: “Barbie’s back in the sequel, and this time she’s trying to teach Ken how to cook. Let’s just say, the kitchen’s never been more plastic… or more flammable.”

Hollywood Can’t Decide on a Barbie 2 Winner

Jackie Mason: “They’re still picking a script for Barbie 2? In this time, Ken could’ve actually grown real hair.”


Groucho Marx: “Voting for Barbie’s next adventure? I suggest a comedy tour. She’s already got the perfect straight man — Ken.”


Jerry Seinfeld: “Barbie in space, huh? I wonder if space is ready for that much pink.”

Explore the latest and greatest in Barbie’s world, including the exciting ‘Barbie 2: Mars Mission.’ For all the details, script previews, and more, visit

Stay tuned for more Barbie adventures and laughs! 🌟🚀🎉



Barbie 2 Los Angeles

Ever wondered what would happen if Barbie traded her high heels for astronaut boots? That's precisely what happens in the latest script, "Barbie 2."