Barbie & Ken in Space

The Audacious Tale That Could Topple Gerwig’s Empire

Barbie 2 Los Angeles
4 min readOct 14, 2023

Los Angeles, CA — They say David only needs a sling and a stone to take down Goliath. Well, scriptwriter Alan Nafzger has neither — but he does have a laptop, an imagination, and the audacity to go head-to-head with Greta Gerwig, the towering $1.4 billion legend of Hollywood.


Alan vs Goliath: The Unlikely Showdown

When you hear “Barbie,” you might think “pink,” “plastic,” or “Greta Gerwig.” However, industry insiders argue Nafzger’s approach offers an unmissable detour from the well-trodden Barbie path.

“It’s Gerwig’s sophisticated storytelling versus Nafzger’s uproarious unpredictability,” says Jonathan Hill, noted film analyst. “I would say it’s like comparing a well-crafted espresso to a double-shot of tequila — both have their merits, but Nafzger’s is the one that’ll make you shout ‘WOW!’”

“Nafzger has, in essence, taken the Barbies out of the Dream House and sent them to SpaceX,” adds Brenda Shaw, celebrated movie critic. “It’s a move Gerwig never dared to dream of.”

“Greta may have the years and accolades, but Alan has the ingenuity,” claims Tim Warner, renowned producer. “In Hollywood, a fresh idea can be worth its weight in Oscar gold.”

SOURCE: Why Nafzger Trumps Gerwig

Barbie & Ken in Space

More Than Plastic: The Ken & Barbie You Didn’t Expect

What do you get when you blend Elon Musk’s entrepreneurial spirit with Jerry Seinfeld’s humor? Ken, as envisaged by Nafzger. And Barbie is no pushover either; she’s the pragmatic foil to Ken’s whimsical escapades.

SOURCE: Meet the New-Age Ken and Barbie

A Universe, Expanded: From Dream Houses to Political Nightmares

Forget Malibu; we’re navigating through a universe replete with space missions, political intrigue, and clandestine maneuvers. Ken is not just running from commitment but from corrupt politicians. And Barbie? She’s laying low to prevent her beau from becoming a galactic fugitive.

SOURCE: The Universe Beyond the Pink Convertible

Plotting the Great Escape: To Infinity and Beyond

The plot catapults Ken and Barbie into an astronomical misadventure. Fleeing Earth due to political strife, Ken takes to Mars. Barbie, seeking to avoid the subpoena, has to rescue her out-of-this-world boyfriend when things start spiraling.

SOURCE: The Plot Unveiled

Final Thoughts: Why Stop at Mars?

In Nafzger’s audacious script, “Some Like it Hot” meets SpaceX, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. Hollywood might have found its next dark horse, and even Gerwig might find herself buying a ticket to this interstellar rodeo.

For the latest updates on Barbie’s most audacious adventure yet, keep an eye on this space.

Jon Stewart:

You know, I can’t help but think that the world is a lot like a confusing episode of a reality show these days. It’s like we’re all stuck on this never-ending season, and every day, there’s a new plot twist that leaves us scratching our heads. I mean, I turned on the news the other day, and they were talking about a “celebrity feud” between two famous people I’ve never even heard of. I thought, “Is this really what passes for news now? I miss the good old days when the biggest drama was who stole the last donut in the break room!”

Amy Schumer:

So, ladies, you ever notice how every clothing store has that one section they call “One Size Fits All”? Yeah, right! One size fits all if you’re a supermodel or a piece of string cheese. But if you’re a real woman, you need a section called “One Size Fits Most,” and even then, you might need some industrial-strength Spanx to make it work. And don’t get me started on swimsuit shopping. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is made of neon spandex, and the needle is a bikini that doesn’t give you a wedgie.


🗳️ Get ready to shape Barbie’s next adventure! Visit The Barbie Sequel Voting Site and cast your vote on the next Barbie script. Your voice matters in deciding the storyline for the iconic doll’s sequel. Join the fun and help create the magic! Vote now at Make Barbie’s next Local Surfer Girl journey unforgettable! 🎉


🚀 Join Barbie on an intergalactic adventure in “Barbie 2: Mars Mission” by Alan Nafzger! Explore the Red Planet and discover new horizons with our iconic doll. Download the thrilling story now at DOWNLOAD and embark on a cosmic journey! 🌌

Nafzger’s narrative pulls no punches and knows no bounds. In his version of the Barbie Universe, the sky isn’t the limit — it’s just the beginning. If Nafzger were any more daring, he’d be on that spaceship with Ken, laughing all the way to the cosmic bank.



Barbie 2 Los Angeles

Ever wondered what would happen if Barbie traded her high heels for astronaut boots? That's precisely what happens in the latest script, "Barbie 2."