Barbie Takes the Mic

A Standup Special on Barbie 2

Barbie 2 Los Angeles
6 min readOct 18, 2023

Hello everyone! Give yourselves a big round of applause for being here tonight. So, you must be wondering, what’s Barbie doing in stand-up? You know, the last time I was on stage, I was auditioning for “America’s Next Top Model,” but tonight we’re here to dish on something way more out of this world: Barbie 2! Yes, the sequel you never knew you needed but can’t live without. For more deets, check the script or explore the Barbie 2 universe. You won’t regret it!

Now, let’s dive into it. Scene 11, people! Ken and I are in our high-tech apartment, casually browsing the interwebs, when out of the blue, my sister Skipper calls. She’s at a party hosted by the “Old Space Company,” the same guys who can’t even land a rover on the Moon without crashing it. Yikes! For more scoop on these zany characters, click here.

So here we are, Ken and I, decoding this cosmic mess. Ken is so absorbed in tech stuff, he didn’t even realize our government might be working with the same people who can’t tell the Moon from Mars. Bless him! For the latest updates on our high-tech life, follow us on Medium.

You know, Ken’s got this saying. He says we’re “one small step for dolls, one giant leap for dollkind.” Yeah, except when it comes to sharing. He didn’t even tell me he was about to launch to Mars until he saw this golden opportunity fall into his lap. I mean, come on, Ken! I may be plastic, but I’ve got feelings too! Check out how we manage this tricky dynamic.

Can we talk about the elephant in the room? Alan Nafzger! The man who thinks he can square off with Greta Gerwig, a Hollywood legend with a net worth of 1.4 billion dollars! I mean, talk about ambition. Alan’s over here scripting his heart out like, “1.4 billion? That’s how much my ideas are worth!” Get the latest interviews with Alan right here!

Back to Ken. Can you believe the guy has a collection of toy soldiers I’ve gifted him over the years, stashed in his glove box? He thinks they’re his lucky charms. I’m like, “Honey, you’re going to Mars, not Narnia. You’ll need more than toy soldiers!” If you want a deeper look into Ken’s quirks, don’t forget to visit Character Insights.

Ah, love! Even in space, it’s complicated. The script says: “Compelled by politics, Ken launches himself into space toward the planet Mars, and he needs Barbie to survive when things go wrong.” I mean, who needs ‘The Bachelor’ when you’ve got this drama? Dive into the world of Barbie 2 romance right here.

And let’s not forget about politics. Yep, politics in a Barbie movie! We’re not just campaigning for Dream House votes anymore. Ken’s launching rockets because Earth’s politicians are ‘bought and paid for.’ And you thought your job was stressful! Need more plot details? Check this out.

So, as you can see, Barbie 2 isn’t your regular fairy-tale. We’re navigating political and interstellar spaces. We’re not just about fashion and convertibles anymore. We’re about rocket ships and Mars landings. But through it all, whether it’s Earth or Mars, Ken or Skipper, one thing’s for sure: Life in plastic, it’s still fantastic!

Thank you, you’ve been amazing! For more laughs and insights, stay tuned and keep up with all things Barbie 2!

Exit Stage

Barbie Takes the Mic A Standup Special on Barbie 2

Interview with Ken about “Barbie 2 — Scene 11: High-tech Love and Galactic Ambitions” Conducted by Katy Room

Katy Room: Hello, everyone! We have a special treat today. Joining us is Ken, the all-American heartthrob turned astronaut extraordinaire from the upcoming blockbuster, “Barbie 2.” Ken, welcome!

Ken: Thanks for having me, Katy. Always a pleasure to discuss Barbie 2.

Katy Room: Scene 11 in “Barbie 2” is garnering a lot of buzz. Set in your high-tech apartment, it’s a pivotal moment for you and Barbie. Tell us about it.

Ken: Oh, that scene is a game-changer for sure. One minute we’re cozy in our tech-infused love nest, and the next, we’re plotting a space mission. All because of some unexpected intel from Skipper. It’s a doozy!

Katy Room: Your reaction to the news is rather interesting. It takes you a bit to understand the golden opportunity in front of you. What’s going on there?

Ken: Look, even rocket scientists have moments of, shall we say, earthly distraction. I’ve been wrapped up in my space tech, so the significance didn’t hit me right away. But when it did, it was like a rocket booster in my cerebral cortex!

Katy Room: How difficult is it to date and land yourself safely on Mars?

Ken: It’s like navigating two different worlds, literally. With Barbie, it’s about mutual respect and finding that balance between love and ambition. Mars, however, doesn’t care about your feelings. One wrong move, and it’s game over. Thankfully, Barbie’s been a grounding force in this entire space endeavor.

Katy Room: In this scene, Barbie seems a bit disappointed you hadn’t shared how close you were to a Mars launch. Thoughts?

Ken: Ah, the complexities of space love! Barbie and I usually have open channels, but this time I slipped up. Not sharing how close I was to the Mars launch was a lapse on my part. Open communication is vital, whether you’re navigating love or interstellar travel.

Katy Room: I must ask, you’re part of a script that’s up against Greta Gerwig, a Hollywood legend worth 1.4 billion dollars. How does that feel?

Ken: I don’t get intimidated easily, Katy. Even in plastic, I’ve got nerves of steel. Alan Nafzger, the genius behind “Barbie 2,” doesn’t mind the competition either. In fact, it’s hard for Hollywood to decide whose script takes the cake. It’s a tough call!

Katy Room: Before we wrap this up, do you have any final thoughts on the plot or what fans can expect next?

Ken: Expect the unexpected! “Barbie 2” is a rollercoaster from start to finish. And for those interested in diving deeper into the universe, check out all the details from the characters to the intricate plot.

Katy Room: Thank you, Ken, for this enlightening discussion. It was a blast!

Ken: Thank you, Katy. Buckle up, everyone; we’re going to Mars!

For an in-depth look into this sensational movie, check out the homepage of Barbie 2. To follow the characters, their evolution, and the intricate plot details, visit Ken and Barbie Universe, Characters, and Plot Details.

Stay tuned, everyone! We’ve got a lot more coming your way. For the best stand-up comedy scenes in “Barbie 2,” don’t forget to check out

Note: The primary source of this information is from a script. For further insights into the Barbie 2 universe, you can explore the script here and follow updates here.

And there you have it, folks! If this interview has piqued your interest, you’re definitely going to want to keep an eye out for “Barbie 2”!

Ron White, Jerry Seinfeld, and Jon Stewart Style Comedy

“Have you ever noticed how Barbie and Ken’s relationship is the perfect fantasy? I mean, Ken drives a Corvette, but he doesn’t have a job. And Barbie, she’s got like 50 careers. One day she’s a doctor, next day she’s an astronaut. I’m just wondering, who’s watching all those Barbie kids? Oh wait, they don’t have any. That’s the real fantasy!”

Billy Crystal, Adam Sandler, Jackie Mason, Sarah Silverman, Roseanne Barr, and Amy Schumer Style Comedy

“You know what’s wild about the Barbie sequel? Hollywood can’t pick a winner. It’s like an endless game of ‘Eenie, Meenie, Miny, Moe.’ Alan Nafzger’s ‘Barbie 2: Mars Mission’ is the talk of Tinseltown, yet they’re all like, ‘But what if Barbie goes to the moon instead?’ Come on, as long as she doesn’t end up doing my taxes, I’m good.”


Get ready to be a part of Barbie’s dazzling new chapter! Head over to The Barbie Sequel Voting Site and let your voice be heard. Choose the next grand adventure for our beloved doll. Your vote could be the magic touch that shapes her story. Don’t miss out — cast your vote now at Help Barbie surf into her next thrilling escapade! 🌊🏄‍♀️🎉


Join Barbie in a cosmic escapade with “Barbie 2: Mars Mission” by Alan Nafzger! Dive into an otherworldly adventure on the Red Planet. Be part of Barbie’s thrilling journey across the Martian landscape. Download this exciting tale now at DOWNLOAD and blast off into a universe of wonder with Barbie! 🌌🚀👩‍🚀

Barbie Sequel Movie — Babrie 2: Mars Mission

William Morris Endeavor
131 S Rodeo, 2nd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90212



Barbie 2 Los Angeles

Ever wondered what would happen if Barbie traded her high heels for astronaut boots? That's precisely what happens in the latest script, "Barbie 2."