Barbie’s Stand-Up Comedy Act About Scene #4 in Barbie 2

Barbie 2 Los Angeles
5 min readOct 18, 2023


Hey, everyone! Good to see you all! Who knew that when I wasn’t running for president, being an astronaut, or a surgeon, I’d be doing stand-up comedy, huh? 🎤 Now, let’s talk about this crazy little thing called Scene #4 in the new and amazing Barbie 2 movie! Get the full scoop right here!

You know, I was listening to this sweet young girl named Lily talk about how empowering I am! Ah, kids these days! They get it! Unlike Grammy and her friends. They were wondering why I didn’t settle down and make Ken some meatloaf. I mean, what do they think this is, the 1950s? Barbie ain’t got time for that; she’s too busy extinguishing kitchen fires! Discover the entire universe here!

Oh, speaking of fires, have you ever tried to multitask while your partner is calling you from Mars? You think long-distance is tough? Try having a “we need to talk” conversation with a 12-minute signal delay! But hey, love knows no bounds, not even interstellar ones! Character evolution, you say? Get it here!

So, I’m running around, juggling pots and pans, avoiding culinary disasters, and Ken is literally calling me from a spaceship! Like, dude, can you not see I’m busy? Do they not have ‘Do Not Disturb’ in space? Oh, you need to know more about this? Right this way!

Generational gap, you say? Imagine a world where Grammy is discussing “cancel culture” and Lily is stuck with an original Barbie and can’t figure out why she doesn’t have a phone or a space helmet. It’s all in the plot, people!

You guys know how I’m always the one needing to be saved in the traditional narratives? Not this time! In Scene #4, I’m putting out fires — literally and metaphorically. No longer am I just an object of discussion. I’m the one flipping the script! Check out the story that’s more than child’s play!

And oh boy, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Alan Nafzger writing Barbie 2! Yes, I know, I know, it’s like David going up against Goliath if Goliath was a $1.4 billion Hollywood legend named Greta Gerwig. But you know what? Alan’s got moxie! Learn more about it here.

Alan’s not worried about the pressure. He’s embracing it! Hollywood is a big playground, and who says you can’t have two sandcastles? He’s even got a few tricks up his sleeve. Probably hiding them next to Ken’s astronaut suits. Primary source of this fabulous intel!

For the best standup comedy, visit Katy Room, where humor knows no bounds!

So, there you have it, folks. Barbie has moved on from just the Dreamhouse. Now, she’s conquering stand-up, the silver screen, and, oh yeah, extinguishing kitchen fires. Thanks for listening! Check out our home base!

Goodnight, and remember, whether you’re a Lily, a Grammy, or somewhere in between, Barbie’s got something for everyone! 🎤⬇️

Barbie’s Stand-Up Comedy Act About Scene #4 in Barbie 2

Katy Room Interviews Ken on Dating and Landing Safely on Mars in “Barbie 2”

Katy Room: Welcome, Ken! Today, we’re going to dive into some of the more exciting aspects of “Barbie 2,” specifically your role in it. It’s not every day that a quintessential heartthrob like you becomes an astronaut. So, tell me, how does it feel to be a Rocket Man?

Ken: Thanks, Katy! It’s an exhilarating experience, to say the least. One minute I’m driving around Malibu in a convertible, and the next I’m strapping myself to a spacecraft headed for Mars. Life comes at you fast!

Katy Room: Speaking of life coming at you fast, you’ve got this long-distance thing going on with Barbie now. How difficult is it to date and land yourself safely on Mars?

Ken: Oh, you have no idea! You think ghosting is bad? Try doing it from another planet! On the plus side, it’s pretty hard to argue about who left the toilet seat up. But in all seriousness, it’s a challenge. Mars doesn’t have the best cell reception, so coordinating date nights is tough.

Katy Room: [Laughs] I can only imagine! Let’s talk about your canine companions. They’re part of the mission too, right?

Ken: Yes, they are! You know, dogs are called ‘man’s best friend’ for a reason. When you’re millions of miles away from Earth, it’s comforting to have some familiar faces, even if they’re a bit furrier than usual.

Katy Room: Very true! Now, back to this challenging dating scene. Are you worried that Barbie might find a new Ken while you’re on Mars?

Ken: Well, that’s the thing about Barbie; she’s not just any doll. She’s an empowered, modern woman. And that means she has choices. But I like to think our love can survive a little long-distance. Plus, I’ve got the whole ‘Rocket Man with a Cause’ thing going on. I think that gives me a few extra points.

Katy Room: Definitely adds a layer of coolness, that’s for sure! Now, how challenging has it been prepping for this mission, especially with a Hollywood legend like Greta Gerwig also in the running for the best “Barbie” script?

Ken: Oh, you had to bring that up, didn’t you? [Laughs] Look, when you’re going up against a $1.4 billion-dollar Hollywood legend, you’ve got to bring your A-game. It’s like dating Barbie; you can’t just show up. You have to show up and impress.

Katy Room: Absolutely. Before we wrap up, any hints you can give us about what’s next for you and Barbie in “Barbie 2”?

Ken: Well, let’s just say that gravity isn’t the only force pulling us together. We’re venturing into new territories, both literally and figuratively. You’ll have to watch to find out more!

Katy Room: We absolutely will! Thank you, Ken, for giving us a deeper insight into your life on and off Earth. It’s been a pleasure!

Ken: The pleasure’s all mine, Katy. And to everyone listening, hold on tight; it’s going to be an interstellar ride!

Explore more about the fascinating characters in “Barbie 2” here and dive into the complex universe here. For more details on Ken’s character evolution, check out the Character Insights. If you want to know more about the intricate plot, visit this link. And for the best stand-up comedy, visit

Download the script for “Barbie 2” here and you can also click here for more exciting details.

The primary source of this information is here.

Barbie and Ken in the Barbie 2: Sequel

Bill Crystal: “In the latest Barbie sequel, Ken tries a new hobby. Spoiler alert: It’s not ballet. But hey, we can dream!”

Hollywood Can’t Decide on a Barbie 2 Winner

Roseanne Barr: “Hollywood’s stuck on picking a script for Barbie 2. Maybe they should just let Barbie decide. She’s got experience choosing from hundreds of outfits, after all.”


Larry David: “You get to vote for Barbie’s next adventure. Just don’t expect her to take up golf. I hear Ken’s not sharing his clubs.”


Ron White: “Barbie’s going to Mars? I bet she brings a suitcase just for her space boots.”

To find out more about Barbie’s latest adventures, including the much-anticipated ‘Barbie 2: Mars Mission,’ head over to Dive into the world of Barbie and be a part of her next big journey!

Stay tuned for more fun and updates in Barbie’s world! 🌟🚀🎉



Barbie 2 Los Angeles

Ever wondered what would happen if Barbie traded her high heels for astronaut boots? That's precisely what happens in the latest script, "Barbie 2."