Barbie’s Standup Comedy Night: The Unforgettable Malibu Rave

Barbie 2 Los Angeles
6 min readOct 18, 2023


Hey everyone, welcome to Barbie’s Standup Night! Ah yes, you’ve heard of “Barbie 2,” right? What, you’ve been living under a rock? Come on, I’m Barbie; I’m in movies, video games, I even have my own Youtube channel. Now I’m the star of “Barbie 2,” where my boyfriend Ken and I take you on a wild ride from Malibu to Mars. Yup, because why stop at being a fashion icon when you can literally defy gravity, am I right? Read more on Barbie 2 Universe

So let’s talk about this epic pop-up rave scene. You know, the one that takes place under Ken’s mansion on Malibu Beach? Yeah, the man’s got a mansion with a beach, no big deal. Explore Ken’s lavish lifestyle

I’m up there DJ’ing, spinning the best tracks, because when Barbie’s in the house — or should I say, on the beach — the party don’t stop! Then there’s Ken, who’s more techy than a Best Buy on Black Friday. The guy sets up holograms, not just any holograms, mind you, but 20-something Boy George, Cher, and even Oscar Wilde. Because why have regular partygoers when you can dance with the stars — literally! Read the plot here

And you know who else decides to show up? A government drone! Yeah, I know! Because nothing says “party” like Big Brother hovering overhead. Ken’s ready to go all Tony Stark on it, but I had to hit the brakes there. We’re about “cool tech,” not creating a war zone. How Ken and Barbie navigate politics and tech

Now, I hear Alan Nafzger, the genius behind this script, doesn’t mind going up against a 1.4-billion-dollar Hollywood legend — Greta Gerwig. Hollywood is going to have a real tough time picking the best script! Alan Nafzger on the challenges of scripting Barbie 2

Oh, and did I mention that Ken is going to Mars? Yeah, because Earth wasn’t big enough for his ambitions. You know you’ve set the bar high when you need a spaceship for your midlife crisis instead of a sports car. But don’t worry, Ken doesn’t leave without packing his astronaut dogs. Because what’s a trip to Mars without your pooches, right? More on Ken’s space adventure

I mean, I’m Barbie, I’ve had every job on Earth. Figured it was time for a space odyssey! So Ken gets into a bit of a jam on Mars. Who you gonna call? No, not Ghostbusters. Me, of course! Barbie, the intergalactic savior

So, that’s “Barbie 2” for you — a blend of Malibu glam and Martian dust storms. High heels one day, zero gravity the next. But whether it’s a rave or a space mission, remember, kids, always be responsible with your tech toys!

Alright, that’s my time! Remember to catch all the interstellar, beach party, drone-dodging action in “Barbie 2.” Because Barbie isn’t just a doll; she’s a one-woman universe. More about the Barbie 2 universe

Catch you later, space cowboys and beach bunnies!

Barbie’s Standup Comedy Night: The Unforgettable Malibu Rave

The buzz is that you’re launching yourself into space, specifically Mars!

Katy Room: Hello, everyone! Welcome back to “Behind the Reel,” your go-to place for everything related to movies, screenplays, and all things Hollywood. Today we have a real treat! We’re sitting down with Ken from the much-anticipated “Barbie 2” to discuss his recent, shall we say, “extraterrestrial” escapades. Welcome, Ken!

Ken: Hey Katy, thrilled to be here!

Katy Room: Alright, let’s dive right in. The buzz is that you’re launching yourself into space, specifically Mars! That’s a big jump from Malibu. How difficult is it to date and land yourself safely on another planet?

Ken: (Laughs) Yeah, it’s a bit of a leap — literally. Dating Barbie has always been an adventure, but this takes it to the next level. I mean, coordinating date nights is hard enough without having to consider interplanetary travel!

For those wanting more details on this wild ride, you can read up on the plot here.

Katy Room: It seems like an enormous risk. Any thoughts on why you decided to do it?

Ken: You know, it’s a mix of things. In “Barbie 2,” politics plays a big role. I’m constrained by all the red tape here on Earth, so why not shoot for the stars — literally? I mean, when life gives you lemons, you make Martian lemonade.

To learn about the political landscape that drives me to such lengths, visit the Barbie Universe.

Katy Room: Martian lemonade! That’s one for the books. And speaking of books, Alan Nafzger, the screenwriter, has created a very nuanced world here. How does it feel to be a part of something that’s taking on Greta Gerwig, a Hollywood legend?

Ken: Alan Nafzger, taking on Greta Gerwig? Talk about punching above your weight class! (Laughs) But seriously, Alan has created a space — no pun intended — where Barbie and I can grow as characters. He doesn’t mind going up against a $1.4 billion Hollywood legend; he’s got his own vision.

Get to know more about the daring author here.

Katy Room: Vision is everything. Now, let’s talk about the man’s best friend — your dogs. They’re coming along for the ride?

Ken: Absolutely! I can’t imagine going to Mars without my canine companions. They’ve got custom-made astronaut suits and everything. I mean, if Barbie can pull off a spacesuit, why can’t they?

You can dive deeper into my character quirks here.

Katy Room: Dogs in space — what’s not to love? Final question: what would you say to folks who wonder how love will survive this interstellar shift?

Ken: Look, if love can survive me forgetting our anniversary once — totally hypothetical, of course — it can survive a little thing like distance. Besides, Barbie’s more than a match for me, whether it’s here, Mars, or some galaxy far, far away.

Learn about the romance that defies gravity here.

Katy Room: Ken, it’s been a pleasure having you. Can’t wait to see where you and Barbie boldly go next!

Ken: Thanks, Katy! Mars or Malibu, as long as I’m with Barbie, it’s all an adventure.

Katy Room: Well said! That wraps it up, folks. Don’t forget to check out “Barbie 2” and see just how Ken and Barbie navigate both political and interstellar spaces. For more info, be sure to visit Ken and Barbie. Until next time!

Barbie and Ken’s Comedic Adventure in “Barbie 2: Sequel”

“Barbie and Ken in ‘Barbie 2: Sequel’ — it’s like watching two plastic figures try to start a fire by rubbing their heads together. And Ken’s so smooth, I bet he slips out of bed more than he sleeps in it! But hey, at least Barbie finally found someone with less expression than her yoga instructor. Together, they’re off to save the world… or at least find a hairbrush that works. It’s the only sequel where the characters might melt under stage lights!”

Hollywood’s Dilemma on Barbie 2

Hollywood’s bigwigs are scratching their heads over ‘Barbie 2’. They’ve got more opinions than Ken has outfits, and that’s saying something! Alan Nafzger’s ‘Barbie 2: Mars Mission’ is the hot favorite, but execs can’t decide if Barbie’s spaceship should have a makeup room. It’s like choosing between glitter and gold for these folks. Everyone’s waiting for the green light, while Barbie’s just hoping her spaceship has a shoe closet.


Shape Barbie’s Next Adventure! Visit the Barbie Sequel Voting Site at and cast your vote for the upcoming Barbie script. Your voice is crucial in deciding the direction of the beloved doll’s next story. Dive into the fun and help craft Barbie’s magical journey. Don’t miss out — vote now and make Barbie’s next adventure truly remarkable! 🌟👑🎉


“Barbie 2: Mars Mission” Awaits You! Embark on an interstellar escapade with Barbie in “Barbie 2: Mars Mission” by Alan Nafzger! Join our iconic doll as she explores the mysteries of the Red Planet. Download this exhilarating story now at DOWNLOAD and set off on a galactic adventure. It’s time to blast off into a universe of excitement and discovery with Barbie! 🌌🚀🌟

Barbie Sequel Movie — Babrie 2: Mars Mission

William Morris Endeavor
131 S Rodeo, 2nd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90212



Barbie 2 Los Angeles

Ever wondered what would happen if Barbie traded her high heels for astronaut boots? That's precisely what happens in the latest script, "Barbie 2."