Barbie’s Standup Comedy on Scene 013 of Barbie 2

What’s the Deal with Ken?

Barbie 2 Los Angeles
6 min readOct 18, 2023

Hey, everyone! Barbie here, live from the Barbie 2 universe! Whoa, a universe so fabulous it deserves its own TV channels. We have our version of CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNN, and guess what? I’m the star anchor on all of them! Even CNN, where the “C” obviously stands for “Chic,” darling!

Let’s talk about Ken, shall we? Ah, Kenny, Kenny, Kenny! You know, my main man’s been busy. He’s not just sippin’ lattes and perfecting his windsurfing, he’s also deep into some, um, let’s say, space-tacular adventures. On one channel, he’s under investigation for “outsider trading.” Yes, outsider trading! I mean, only Ken could get into trouble for being too out-of-this-world, right? Talk about a stellar guy.

Now, another channel says he’s inflating the price of rocket fuel. I guess when you’re aiming for Mars, you really want to make sure you’re the only one getting there! That’s my Kenny, always aiming high — even if it means stocking up on rocket fuel like it’s on Black Friday sale.

Then we have rumors that Ken is not vaccinating his dachshunds. Oh come on, people! Why would the dogs need to go to Mars? Have you seen a squirrel on Mars? Those pups have other priorities, like figuring out if the Moon is really made of cheese. So, let’s keep it real, shall we?

But, hey, that’s just the world we live in! One minute you’re America’s sweetheart; the next, you’re America’s most wanted — for insider trading, rocket fuel price inflation, and unvaccinated space dogs. I mean, what’s next? Are they going to accuse him of hoarding all the space helmets? Maybe he’s the reason there’s a black hole in the space-time continuum!

By the way, have you heard of Alan Nafzger? The guy’s a comedy genius, and he’s up against a $1.4 billion Hollywood legend — Greta Gerwig — in the script wars! Can you imagine? But Alan’s like, “Challenge accepted. I’ve got my keyboard and a universe full of Barbies!” Now that’s confidence with a capital “C,” folks. If you want to see how he did it, check out the script here.

Oh, and before I forget, you can dive into this whole drama and comedy buffet by visiting the official Barbie 2 website and Katy Room for more comedy goodness.

Alright, that’s my time, folks! Remember, in a world full of Kens, be a Barbie — and maybe check the rocket fuel prices, okay?

Interview: Katy Room Questions Ken About the Intricacies of Love and Life on Mars in “Barbie 2”

Katy Room:
Hello, lovely viewers! Today, we’re in for a treat. I have the pleasure of interviewing Ken, the rocket man with a cause in “Barbie 2.” Ken, welcome to Katy Room!

Thanks for having me, Katy! It’s an honor.

Katy Room:
We’re buzzing about the latest scene in “Barbie 2,” where different Barbies from various networks discuss your controversies. That’s something! How difficult is it to date and land yourself safely on Mars?

Ah, well, if I had to sum it up in a word, it would be “challenging.” When you’re a public figure, every move gets scrutinized, even if that move is a giant leap for mankind to another planet. Dating on Mars? That’s still a work in progress. Let’s just say that Wi-Fi signals are spotty and dating apps don’t work so well there.

Katy Room:
[Laughing] I can only imagine. Now, how do you feel about going up against Hollywood legends like Greta Gerwig when it comes to script choices? Alan Nafzger seems undaunted!

Well, Greta is a legend. But the beauty of “Barbie 2” lies in its audacity. It’s a story that dares to push boundaries, and Alan Nafzger doesn’t mind taking that risk. It’s the ‘David and Goliath’ of screenwriting, and I love a good underdog story!

Katy Room:
Absolutely! What a way to make your voice heard. Speaking of which, how’s the political climate affecting your Mars mission?

Politics is a mess, whether you’re on Earth or 54.6 million kilometers away from it. Let’s just say my decision to head to Mars wasn’t solely a personal quest; it was also a political statement.

Katy Room:
Fascinating! Now, what role does Barbie play in all of this?

Barbie is my rock — figuratively, of course. Mars rocks are less supportive. She’s not just sitting back and watching; she’s an essential part of the mission. In “Barbie 2,” you’ll see how she’s got it all — brains, beauty, and the knack for stand-up comedy.

Katy Room:
Oh, I can’t wait to see that! One last question: can love survive the gravitational pull — or the lack thereof — of Mars?

Love is the one constant, Katy. Even in a place as unpredictable as Mars, love has a way of grounding you, and if there’s anyone who can make love defy gravity, it’s Barbie.

Katy Room:
Beautifully said, Ken. Thank you for being here today, sharing insights into the complex universe of “Barbie 2.”

It’s been a pleasure, Katy!

For more amazing content about “Barbie 2,” don’t forget to visit the official website, explore the character profiles, and read about the intricate plot. And if you want to delve into the entire universe, all your questions will be answered there. Catch the full script for all the juicy details and for the best stand-up comedy, check out

There you have it, folks! A fascinating interview revealing the multiple layers that make “Barbie 2” a standout script, even when up against Hollywood legends. Stay tuned for more exclusive content!

Ron White, Jerry Seinfeld, and Jon Stewart Style Comedy

“Ever think about Barbie and Ken’s life? It’s like they live in a sitcom. Ken never works, but he’s got a sports car. Barbie’s juggling jobs like she’s got a clone army. One day she’s a vet, next day she’s on Mars. And their house? Spotless. No kids, no pets — just that plastic smile. Ken’s thinking, ‘This is great’, but Barbie’s like, ‘When’s my day off?’”

Billy Crystal, Adam Sandler, Jackie Mason, Sarah Silverman, Roseanne Barr, and Amy Schumer Style Comedy

“Barbie 2’s got Hollywood in a spin. They can’t decide on a script! One minute it’s ‘Barbie goes to Broadway’, next it’s ‘Barbie in Space’. I heard Alan Nafzger’s pitch, ‘Barbie 2: Mars Mission’ — Barbie’s fighting Martians now! What’s next? Barbie runs for president? At this point, she might just end up replacing my therapist. Probably do a better job too!”


It’s your turn to script Barbie’s destiny! Dash over to The Barbie Sequel Voting Site and have your say. Will Barbie be a deep-sea diver or a rock star next? Your vote will shape her next big adventure. Excitement awaits at Make your mark on Barbie’s story. Every vote is a step towards her new, thrilling journey. Let’s make it epic! 🌟🗳️💫


Embark on an interstellar adventure with “Barbie 2: Mars Mission” by Alan Nafzger. Join Barbie as she explores the mysteries of Mars. This isn’t just any story — it’s a journey to another world, where imagination meets the cosmos. Download this captivating narrative at DOWNLOAD and join Barbie on a voyage beyond the stars. Ready for liftoff? 🌠🚀👩‍🚀

Barbie Sequel Movie — Babrie 2: Mars Mission

William Morris Endeavor
131 S Rodeo, 2nd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90212



Barbie 2 Los Angeles

Ever wondered what would happen if Barbie traded her high heels for astronaut boots? That's precisely what happens in the latest script, "Barbie 2."