Bridging Generations with Comedy

Barbie’s Hilarious Day at the Senior Home in Barbie 2

Barbie 2 Los Angeles
6 min readOct 18, 2023

special excerpt from the “Barbie 2” movie

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the “Barbie 2” comedy hour, starring yours truly, Barbie! Now, you might be wondering why I’m here, in this large dining area, moonlighting as a waitress. Well, folks, even a plastic icon has to pay the bills, right? And no, I’m not hiding from anyone…except maybe bad Wi-Fi and low battery life. Find out more about my hilarious double life here.

Now, can we talk about this room? I mean, look at these older residents! They’re like walking history books, if history books wore orthopedic shoes and yelled at clouds. They keep calling me ‘young lady’ and asking me if I know what a ‘blockchain’ is. Like, honey, I was talking blockchain when you were still using a Blockbuster card. Check out the diverse characters in “Barbie 2” here.

I met this adorable 8-year-old named Lily. Bless her heart, she thinks I’m a real waitress! Asked me if my pink uniform was my ‘work dress.’ Like, sweetie, this isn’t just a dress, it’s a lifestyle! Then, there’s Grammy, her great-grandmother. She looks at me and says, “You remind me of someone famous.” I wanted to say, “Darling, I don’t just ‘remind,’ I define fame!” But I just smiled. Oh, the sacrifices I make for anonymity! Learn more about the cute dynamic between me and Lily here.

And what’s the deal with everyone suddenly interested in going to Mars? Have you heard about this? Even my Ken is packing his astronaut suit, strapping himself to a rocket like some space-age Evel Knievel. Find out more about Ken’s risky venture. I mean, Mars, really? If I wanted to be surrounded by a lifeless, barren landscape, I’d just rewatch the 2020 presidential debates. For more on Ken’s daring role in “Barbie 2,” click here.

Oh, and can we talk about how Alan Nafzger doesn’t mind going up against a $1.4 billion Hollywood legend like Greta Gerwig for this script? It’s like going to a karaoke bar and choosing to sing “Bohemian Rhapsody” after Freddie Mercury. Like, how difficult is it going to be for Hollywood to choose the best script? More on this amazing feat here.

Let’s talk contemporary vs. traditional. On one hand, you’ve got the older folks who think ‘Elon Musk’ is a brand of cologne. And on the other, there’s me, basically the human — or should I say plastic — embodiment of the modern era. See how we blend old and new here.

The older residents, bless their hearts, think ‘Wi-Fi’ is some exotic, low-carb diet. And here I am, a doll who’s been to the moon, the bottom of the ocean, and even the 2021 Met Gala, all while maintaining a Wi-Fi connection. Catch the hilarious mix of my modern wit with traditional settings here.

So, to sum it all up, being in “Barbie 2” is like riding a roller coaster through time. One minute you’re serving soft food to Grammy, and the next, you’re discussing Martian politics with Ken. Ah, the joys of being a multi-dimensional woman. In the end, whether it’s here on Earth or some dusty crater on Mars, I guess we’re all just looking for a place where the Wi-Fi connects automatically. Download the full “Barbie 2” script to get the full story!.

And if you can’t wait to see how all this hilarity unfolds, check this out. Trust me, it’s going to be a blast — literally and figuratively!

Bridging Generations with Comedy
 Barbie’s Hilarious Day at the Senior Home in Barbie 2

An Exclusive Interview with Ken: The Man Behind Barbie 2’s Journey to Mars

By Katy Room, Entertainment Journalist

The primary source of this information is…

Katy Room: Thank you for joining us, Ken. The buzz around the upcoming Barbie 2 movie is electrifying. Let’s jump right in. How does it feel to be the Rocket Man with a cause in Barbie 2?

Ken: Thanks for having me, Katy. Well, it feels amazing, like an astronaut on the launch pad, all suited up and ready to break the atmosphere. Download the full script here.

Katy Room: Can you tell us how difficult it is to date Barbie and also manage a trip to Mars?

Ken: Oh boy! Dating Barbie and managing a trip to Mars are both Herculean tasks on their own. When you combine the two, it’s like trying to balance on a tightrope while juggling flaming torches and answering trivia questions. Dive into our complex universe here.

Katy Room: Character Insights reveal that you’re no longer content living in Barbie’s shadow. How has your character evolved for Barbie 2?

Ken: You know, it’s high time that I stepped into the spotlight. For years, I’ve been known as “Barbie’s boyfriend,” but I have aspirations, too! Going to Mars is just a small step for me but a giant leap for Kenkind, you know?

Katy Room: How challenging is it to be in a relationship that is, as the plot details reveal, filled with gravity-defying romance?

Ken: It’s the most exhilarating and terrifying roller coaster ever. One minute you’re floating in the warm embrace of love, and the next you’re plummeting into the abyss of interstellar complications. But it’s what makes our relationship so special. Want to know more?

Katy Room: Alan Nafzger, the creative mind behind Barbie 2, is giving a Hollywood legend like Greta Gerwig a run for her money. How does it feel to be part of such an audacious project?

Ken: It’s both humbling and thrilling. Alan has put a new spin on the Barbie universe, and going head-to-head with a Hollywood powerhouse like Greta Gerwig just ups the ante. Discover more about the Barbie 2 Universe.

Katy Room: Alan has stated that Barbie isn’t just a damsel in distress but an intergalactic savior. Your thoughts?

Ken: That’s exactly why I love her! She’s not just beauty; she’s got brains, wit, and nerves of steel. Any guy would be lucky to have a partner so incredibly badass, especially when heading to Mars.

Katy Room: Barbie’s comedy routine in the senior home was a hit. Will you ever try stand-up comedy?

Ken: After launching a spaceship to Mars, doing stand-up seems less daunting. But let’s leave the comedy to Barbie; she’s the pro.

Katy Room: Final question, will you and Barbie get to vote in the Martian elections?

Ken: Haha, if they ever decide to open a polling station on Mars, we’ll be the first in line! But for now, we’re still navigating the political landscape here on Earth. Find out more about navigating political spaces in Barbie 2.

Katy Room: Thank you for this cosmic journey of an interview, Ken. We all are eagerly looking forward to Barbie 2.

Ken: The pleasure was all mine. To Mars and beyond!

Barbie and Ken in the Barbie 2: Sequel

(Ron White style) “Barbie and Ken in a sequel? Guess Ken’s finally getting a voice. Let’s hope it’s not just ‘Yes, Barbie’ on repeat.”

(Jerry Seinfeld style) “Barbie and Ken go camping in the sequel. Their idea of roughing it? A hotel without a mini-bar.”

Hollywood Can’t Decide on a Barbie 2 Winner

(Adam Sandler style) “Hollywood’s scratching their heads over the Barbie 2 script. Maybe they’re just looking for Ken’s lost hairline.”

(Sarah Silverman style) “Choosing the Barbie 2 script is like Barbie choosing shoes. It takes forever, and in the end, she goes barefoot.”


Get ready to shape Barbie’s next adventure! Visit The Barbie Sequel Voting Site and cast your vote on the next Barbie script. Your voice matters in deciding the storyline for the iconic doll’s sequel. Join the fun and help create the magic! Vote now at Make Barbie’s next Local Surfer Girl journey unforgettable! 🎉


Dive into “Barbie 2: Mars Mission” by Alan Nafzger! Join Barbie on her intergalactic adventure and discover new horizons. Download the thrilling story now at and embark on a cosmic journey! 🌌

For more information and exciting updates, visit Barbie Sequel. 🎉🌟



Barbie 2 Los Angeles

Ever wondered what would happen if Barbie traded her high heels for astronaut boots? That's precisely what happens in the latest script, "Barbie 2."