Standup Comedy: Barbie’s Take on Scene 007 in “Barbie 2”

Barbie 2 Los Angeles
6 min readOct 18, 2023


Hey everyone, so glad you could join me tonight! For those who missed it, my name is Barbie, and yes, I’m that Barbie. You know, the one who’s been a pilot, a firefighter, and even an astronaut? Now, I’m diving into the world of stand-up comedy. Let’s call it another “career move,” shall we? Before I start, if you want to know more about my latest escapades with Ken, check out the detailed scene in Barbie 2 here and here. I promise, it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before.

So, let’s talk about that captivating scene where Ken and I find ourselves in a super high-tech research lab. Ken has drones powered by rubies. Rubies, people! I’m talking about gemstones with more bling than my entire wardrobe! And trust me, I’ve got a lot of wardrobe. I mean, was I supposed to just ignore the fashion potential? But, no. Ken’s all, “Barbie, these are not for fashion; these are for powering drones.” Ugh, men and their toys. If you’re curious about Ken’s fascination with rubies, learn more about it here.

Let’s talk about Ken’s security system for a moment. It involves a butt-scan! I mean, I love the guy, but that’s one way to keep things cheeky, am I right? Don’t worry, I gave him the butt-scan of approval! Ken’s so high-tech, even his behind is biometric. You’ve got to read about it and see it to believe it.

You know what’s even more hilarious? Alan Nafzger, the writer behind all this, thinks he’s going to go head-to-head with a Hollywood legend like Greta Gerwig. A guy with a last name even autocorrect can’t figure out, competing against a 1.4 billion dollar Hollywood legend. It’s going to be tough for Hollywood to pick the best script, but hey, Alan’s got moxie! For more laughs, Alan’s unique approach to the story can be explored here.

Alright, moving on! The end of that scene was kind of a cliffhanger, wasn’t it? Ken and I lock eyes and realize we’re in some deep, political soup. And not the fun kind, like chicken noodle. This is more of a murky, four-day-old minestrone left in the back of the fridge. If you’re itching to know how we navigate this risky business, get the scoop on our political game right here.

And don’t even get me started on our romantic dynamics. One minute, we’re looking at rubies, and I’m wondering if he’s going to propose. The next minute, he gives me a rose and says, “This is all you get, Barbie.” A rose? A single rose? I’ve got more flowers in my plastic garden back in Malibu! But hey, I’m not complaining; it’s the thought that counts, right? For those of you hungry for more romance that defies gravity, click here.

So, that’s a wrap for me tonight! If you want more comedy, and let’s face it, who doesn’t, visit They say laughter is the best medicine, but in my case, a dash of style, a sprinkle of tech, and a whole lot of Ken make life just fabulous!

Good night, everyone! And remember, life in plastic, it’s fantastic!

Standup Comedy: Barbie’s Take on Scene 007 in “Barbie 2”

Interview with Ken: The Man Behind the Space Odyssey in Barbie 2

Katy Room: Ken, it’s so great to have you here with us today to discuss the exciting upcoming movie, “Barbie 2”. Thanks for joining us!

Ken: Thank you, Katy. It’s a pleasure to be here to talk about “Barbie 2,” especially since the buzz has been through the roof!

Katy Room: Indeed it has. The scene in the New Space Company Research Lab in Malibu has people intrigued. So first off, how hard is it to date and land safely on Mars? That’s quite a balance!

Ken: [Laughs] Oh, you have no idea. You know, dating Barbie keeps me on my toes. She’s a strong, independent woman. Then mix in the added stress of trying to safely land on Mars — it’s no cakewalk. Let’s just say you won’t find this kind of drama in your average rom-com.

Katy Room: You’re telling me! The details are absolutely fascinating, and if our readers want more, they should definitely check out the universe that “Barbie 2” is building, for all the intricate character insights.

Ken: Absolutely. There’s so much to explore, from the plot to the universe, and every detail contributes to the incredible world we’re building.

Katy Room: Now, speaking of details, there’s been a lot of chatter about the drone scene with those glowing rubies. What was going through your mind during that scene?

Ken: Those rubies are not only dazzling but also vital to my aerial escapades and my mission to Mars. It’s high-tech, it’s romantic, and it’s politically charged, all wrapped into one scene. It brings out the dynamics of my relationship with Barbie, as we navigate through high-stakes situations.

Katy Room: Definitely high stakes! The tension between technology and human relationships has never been so palpable. Our readers can also explore the newly released plot details to understand the full scope of what’s going on.

Ken: That’s right. There are layers upon layers to the story, and those invested in it will find plenty of payoff.

Katy Room: I have to ask — the butt-scan security feature in that scene is generating lots of laughs. Whose idea was that?

Ken: Ah, the famous butt-scan! It was a team idea, but ultimately, it’s just an example of how humor can defuse a tense situation. You can’t be serious all the time, even when you’re dealing with complex politics and impending interstellar travel.

Katy Room: Very true, humor has its place, even in a high-stakes environment. For those looking for humor in Barbie 2, they should definitely head over to for some of the best standup comedy.

Ken: They won’t be disappointed, that’s for sure!

Katy Room: So, what’s it like being the Rocket Man with a cause?

Ken: You know, it’s both exhilarating and terrifying. I’m driven by the quest for innovation but restrained by earthly politics. So, heading to Mars with my astronaut-suited dogs felt like the only way to truly make a change.

Katy Room: Wow, that’s powerful. For more on your character and this high-stakes journey, people should definitely check out the character profiles.

Ken: Absolutely, you can dive deep into the layers of each character, especially as they navigate both political and interstellar spaces.

Katy Room: Before we wrap up, any last words about what fans should expect from “Barbie 2”?

Ken: All I can say is, buckle up! Between the romance, the technology, and the political drama, “Barbie 2” has something for everyone.

Katy Room: Thank you so much for your time, Ken. It’s been a pleasure!

Ken: The pleasure was all mine, Katy. Thank you.

For those who want to delve deeper into this fascinating world, the Barbie 2 universe and character profiles offer incredible insights that you won’t want to miss. Explore here for all the details.

End of Interview

Barbie and Ken in the Barbie 2: Sequel

Jerry Seinfeld: “Barbie and Ken in a sequel? I’m guessing Ken finally learns how to change his own outfit. It’s about time!”

Amy Schumer: “In this movie, Barbie tries teaching Ken to cook. Spoiler alert: The Barbie house now needs a new kitchen.”

Hollywood Can’t Decide on a Barbie 2 Winner

Adam Sandler: “Choosing the Barbie 2 script is like Ken picking out a tie. Overwhelmed by choices, but ends up going with what Barbie likes.”

Sarah Silverman: “They’re making another Barbie movie. Can’t wait to see Barbie tackle real-world problems, like a shortage of pink convertibles.”


Cast your vote for Barbie’s next big adventure. Will she be a space explorer or a surf champion? Your decision can shape her story. Vote now and be part of Barbie history!


Jon Stewart: “Barbie’s off to Mars? Guess she’s searching for intelligent life… or at least a break from Ken.”

Embark on Barbie’s exciting space adventure in “Barbie 2: Mars Mission.” Download the script for free at this link and join the interstellar journey!

Stay tuned for more updates and adventures in Barbie’s world! 🌟🚀🎉



Barbie 2 Los Angeles

Ever wondered what would happen if Barbie traded her high heels for astronaut boots? That's precisely what happens in the latest script, "Barbie 2."