Spotlight- Mr. Ojas Deshmukh


Students’ Branding and Relations Cell brings you the 4th entry of this year’s SPOTLIGHT- Mr. Ojas Deshmukh, a fifth-year undergraduate student of the Department of Biotechnology at IIT Kharagpur. For more information, read the following article.

Spotlight- Mr. Ojas Deshmukh

Q: It would be great if you introduce yourselves.

A: My name is Ojas Deshmukh. I am a fifth-year undergraduate student in the Department of Biotechnology at IIT Kharagpur. Over the past four and a half years, I have actively participated in various tech groups such as CGS (Computer Graphics Society), Swarm, and KBS. I’ve been engaged in numerous tech events including Hackathons and the Inter IIT Tech Meet. Additionally, I am a founder at Residence in Entrepreneurship First, and currently serve as the CEO of Evermorrow Labs.

Q: What have you gained at IIT Kharagpur and how has your experience in this institute been so far?

A: Attending IIT Kharagpur was a life-changing experience for me. Although I used to be an introvert, I found that the diversity and mentorship provided by the seniors helped me to break out of my shell and explore new things. Thanks to their guidance, I was able to step outside of my comfort zone and grow as a person.

Q: Can you brief us about your achievements and your involvement at the campus?

A: My inclination towards tech and robotics has been unwavering. In my first year, I was fortunate enough to be part of the founding team of GameLab, now known as CGS (Computer Graphics Society), and also became a part of Swarm, a research group of Robotics on campus. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I started honing my software skills, and eventually participated in Hackathons. In my third year, I was a contingent member for the Inter IIT Tech Meet.

Q: You excelled in the new domains of Tech such as WEB3, Blockchain, VR, and Gaming. What steps did you take that led you in this direction?

A: I briefly considered pursuing a career in core Biotechnology, but soon realised it wasn’t the right fit for me. Instead, I decided to follow my passion for game development and robotics, which truly excited me. As I continued to work on various projects, my interest in tech only grew, confirming that this was the path I wanted to pursue.

Q: What will be your valuable advice to the students who aspire to get top spots in the Inter IIT Tech Meets?

A: Having a decent skill set is undoubtedly a fundamental requirement. For those seeking to join a team, I highly recommend focusing on building their skills in the fields of Cyber Security, NLP, Data Science, and Software. The competitions and projects often revolve around these major domains. Therefore, acquiring a good grasp of these areas will significantly increase the chances of getting selected into the team.

Q: What was your initiating step to start CGS? How did the thought of starting this society come to your mind, and how were you able to make it successful?

A: During my first year, I, along with six other students, took the initiative to establish the Computer Graphics Society (formerly known as GameLab) and became its first Heads. The idea behind this venture was inspired by the fact that when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many of us shifted our focus to robotics, embedded systems, hardware, and computer vision. Consequently, we founded CGS to create a platform for showcasing our skills in Computer Graphics.

Q: What were the Hackathons you participated in? How was your experience in all these Hackathons and what was your kickstart motivation for taking part in these?

A: The first Hackathon I participated in was the Samsung Innovation Award 2021. The prompt that we received was METAVERSE which was quite a new concept, which gave me the motivation to explore and try it. I also participated in the ASQI Newrl Hackathon 2022 and was a grand finalist in the UST D3code Hackathon.

Q: How were you able to manage all your Tech projects and positions in different societies, along with academics?

A: It is essential to cultivate the necessary skill sets without neglecting your academic responsibilities. Up to this point, your primary goal has likely been to achieve the highest possible scores in school. However, upon arriving here, you’ll understand that a certain level of compromise is necessary. You need to develop skills that are genuinely valuable while also maintaining sufficient academic performance to keep future opportunities open. Striking this balance is important for everyone.

Q: As a founder at Residence at Entrepreneur First and also securing an internship at Everasana APAC Consulting, what valuable insights would you impart to your juniors about your exceptional achievements across various domains?

A: During the CDC period, it is crucial to stick to one’s strengths. This is not the time to explore new paths; rather, it’s time to choose a clear direction. It is essential to identify your strengths and determine your ultimate goal. For instance, even though my previous work was entirely tech-oriented, I took up an internship at Eversana, which was a completely different path. However, my participation in hackathons, where I developed, pitched, and sold my ideas, provided me with valuable experience. Additionally, the business acumen I acquired through Inter IIT helped me step out of my comfort zone and explore a different domain, eventually landing me an internship in Consultancy.

Q: Can you brief us about your startup and plans? How did this idea occur to you?

A: As the CEO of Evermorrow Labs, a multi-titled VR game studio, we are addressing the content problem currently present in VR. Our focus is on building free-to-play games that will make VR more accessible to everyone. While there are just as many headsets out there as Playstation 5 , there is a lack of software available. So we are aiming to fill that gap by creating engaging and immersive games that will keep people coming back for more.

A year ago, I had the opportunity to meet the folks at Entrepreneur First, and that conversation was a turning point for me. As someone who has won several hackathons, I was motivated to build something more meaningful than just projects. So, after conducting extensive market research and making over 300 calls to understand the challenges faced by various industries, I realised that my edge was in VR.

Q: What are the general fundaes, you would like to pass on to your juniors and upcoming freshers?

A: Exploring different fields and opportunities is absolutely crucial for freshers and second-year students. It may be difficult to figure out what you like or what you’re good at, but if you don’t explore enough, you’ll never know. Take your explorations seriously, and don’t be afraid to pivot when necessary. Remember, your college years are a time for growth and discovery, so take charge and assertively pursue your passions!

The interview can also be found on YouTube at —

Interviewed by — Akshat Sharma, Student Member at Students’ Branding and Relations Cell, IIT Kharagpur.



Students Branding and Relations Cell IIT Kharagpur

Students Branding and Relations Cell aims towards positioning IIT Kharagpur as a global leader in the field of science and technology.