Can I wear airpods in sauna? You know?

2 min readOct 10, 2023


Can I wear airpods in sauna? AirPods are a popular type of wireless earbuds that are known for their comfort and sound quality. However, if you enjoy using the sauna, you may be wondering if it is safe to wear AirPods in the heat and humidity.

The short answer is no. AirPods are not designed to be used in extreme temperatures, and wearing them in the sauna can damage them. Additionally, the sweat from your ears can damage the ear tips and cause them to become loose or uncomfortable.

Why You Shouldn’t Wear AirPods in a Sauna

Here are a few more reasons why you shouldn’t wear AirPods in a sauna:

  • Heat and humidity: The heat and humidity in the sauna can damage the AirPods’ internal components.
  • Sweat: Sweat can also damage the ear tips and cause them to become loose or uncomfortable.
  • Hygiene: Wearing AirPods in the sauna can increase the risk of infection, as the heat and moisture can create a breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Safety: Wearing AirPods in the sauna can be dangerous, as they can block out ambient noise and make it difficult to hear if someone is trying to get your attention.

Alternatives to Wearing AirPods in a Sauna

If you need to listen to music or podcasts in the sauna, there are a few alternatives to wearing AirPods:

  • Waterproof speaker: Use a waterproof speaker that can be placed outside of the sauna.
  • Bone conduction headphones: Use a pair of bone conduction headphones, which transmit sound through the bones in your skull instead of through your ears.
  • Sauna music: Listen to the music or podcasts that are playing in the sauna, if there are any.


It is best to avoid wearing AirPods in the sauna, as they can be damaged by the heat and humidity, and they can increase the risk of infection. If you need to listen to music or podcasts in the sauna, there are a few alternatives, such as using a waterproof speaker or bone conduction headphones.





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